The POST thread


My name is sorrow.
Apr 26, 2011
I think I tried this before but it didn't pick up so well.

Basically here's where to discuss all the post-metal/rock/hardcore bands, all the artsy-fartsy motherfuckers who like to steal from other genres and then act like they're doing something new and exciting. And I love them for it. :lol::lol:

Just recently discovered Obsidian Kingdom, and Mantiis is hoooooly balls a good album.
I'm not super familiar with many bands, although I might be and just not realize it. What's some good individual songs?

I believe Cult of Luna qualifies, this song was my myspace theme for awhile :lol: Back in the day...

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Cult of Luna's actually one of the pillars of post-metal, LOL. The whole subgenre owes itself to largely Neurosis and Isis (some jokingly call it "Neurisis metal"), but Cult of Luna was definitely one of the early adopters.


Come Sleep

Omega Massif

Les Discrets


Just for starters!
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Ohh alright, right on. I actually do like a lot of Neurosis and Isis, I just always kinda called them sludge or alternative metal, respectively.

Nice to be well-learned now! I will put those new ones in the queue pronto!
Yeah, I think "atmospheric sludge" gets used a lot with these types, but "post" seems to cast a wider net all the way from Neurosis to Godspeed You! Black Emperor.
Actually, I don't think I could suggest you some new names aside from those you already know well (Isis, Pelican, Russian Circles, etc.), but I highly recommend you to check out these two awesome bands (that I can think of at the moment), if you aren't already familiar with them:

Light Bearer (Post-Metal/Sludge, ex-members of Fall of Efrafa)

Rinoa (Atmospheric Post-Hardcore/Post-Rock)

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I was just puttering around with Light Bearer, damn impressed so far!

Yeah, the main names are Neurosis, Cult of Luna, Isis, Pelican, etc, but I think there are tons of bands experimenting with the sound that do it really well, particularly when it comes to incorporating black metal elements.

In fact, I kinda like it when the "post" element is more "post-rock" blended into unexpected genres, not necessarily the Kowloon Walled City or Batillus type sludge.
If you wanna hear something fresh and exceptional you should definitely check out this black metal superband, called Twilight. The band is comprised of such prominent metal musicians as Aaron Turner (Isis, Greymachine, Jodis, Old Man Gloom to name a few), Blake Judd (Nachtmystium), Wrest (Leviathan), and N. Imperial (Krieg) among others. Their second album Monument to Time End sounds like a perfect fusion of Isis and Nachtmystium I think.

Also Rituals' debut is worth checking out. This record is too damn good for a debut. The band presents a great mixture of atmosperic dark sludge with elements of post-metal.


Too bad they split up.
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That Twilight album. Holy shit. Only on the first track and I'm blown away.
Glad you dig it. And don't doubt, this album is full of stunning songs. I'll post some more names when I get my thoughts in order.

Please do.

I notice there are basically three directions of "post": atmospheric sludge, blackgaze, and Godspeed-style post-rock. I like 'em all, so whatever might fall into any of that nonsense? FIRE AWAY.

We Lost the Sea


Wow, they have really similar album covers, LOL.
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These bands aren't Metal, but can you guys recommend me some stuff that's similar to Sigur Ros and Godspeed You! Black Emperor? I've been spinning some of their stuff recently, and it's awesome.
These bands aren't Metal, but can you guys recommend me some stuff that's similar to Sigur Ros and Godspeed You! Black Emperor? I've been spinning some of their stuff recently, and it's awesome.

Definitely. I'm actually not huge into Godspeed, but there's way better IMO.

God Is An Astronaut:

Red Sparowes:



That oughta get you started.
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Mono, This Will Destroy You, Mogwai, Hammock, Explosions in The Sky, Caspian, The Album Leaf, If These Trees Could Talk, Grails, The Last Days, Dreamend, Ethereal Beauty.

That's all I got on the top of my head.
I've come to the conclusion that Cult of Luna is damn near perfect. More I listen to Salvation and Somewhere Along the Highway the more I go "this is what the genre is supposed to sound like."