Since a lot of people didn't comment initially on preparty bands in the PPV wish list thread, I figured it might be a good idea to start a new thread.
Since the preparty seems to be the place for up and coming bands to play, I'm sure we will have quite a few suggestions over the next few months.
Rather than limiting people to three choices, I figure that allowing more choices might be a good idea. Sooo, list a few bands that you think are pre-party material for next year.
My suggestions:
Phantom Blue (a reunion gig - I'm sure the gals would love to play). Since they aren't working on new material for Phantom, I don't think that we should lose a slot in the PPV lineup in the process, but it would be great to see them at PPV nonetheless. Hence, I think the preparty is the best choice...
And in the same vein, The Iron Maidens or, if they are finally touring, Damnzel. Linda and Jojo (of Phantom) are also in these bands, and Sara (she recently joined the Phantom Blue lineup) is also part of these projects.
The Maidens are awesome live, and have opened for several major acts (Danzig most recently). Heck, they have even played a mini tour in NYC, which is a great accomplishment for a tribute band based out of LA. Besides, I don't think Iron Maiden will be playing ProgPower (but they tour regularly, so this is fine), and the Maidens are the next best thing (no question IMHO).
Hourglass. They don't have much touring experience yet, but I think they would be an awesome addition to the preparty lineup.
Prototype. Check these guys out if you have the chance. They don't get out of California much, so this would be an awesome opportunity for more of you to hear them play live. They are awesome!!!
Chastain, or one of David T.'s side projects. He doesn't want to tour regularly, but is interested in doing a gig or two occasionally. This would be an awesome opportunity for those that haven't seen him live to do so, and I'd love to see him and Kate do stuff from the new album (due this fall). I don't think there are enough people interested in seeing him on the PPV lineup, but I'd love to see him play at the preparty!!!
I'd suggest John Arch, but I think he would better be served in the PPV lineup. He isn't planning on touring, but suggested that he'd like to do one or two shows... and we would get Jim Matheos and very possibly Mike Portnoy onstage as well. I don't think the preparty would do them justice...
Who do you think should play the next preparty?
Since the preparty seems to be the place for up and coming bands to play, I'm sure we will have quite a few suggestions over the next few months.
Rather than limiting people to three choices, I figure that allowing more choices might be a good idea. Sooo, list a few bands that you think are pre-party material for next year.
My suggestions:
Phantom Blue (a reunion gig - I'm sure the gals would love to play). Since they aren't working on new material for Phantom, I don't think that we should lose a slot in the PPV lineup in the process, but it would be great to see them at PPV nonetheless. Hence, I think the preparty is the best choice...
And in the same vein, The Iron Maidens or, if they are finally touring, Damnzel. Linda and Jojo (of Phantom) are also in these bands, and Sara (she recently joined the Phantom Blue lineup) is also part of these projects.
The Maidens are awesome live, and have opened for several major acts (Danzig most recently). Heck, they have even played a mini tour in NYC, which is a great accomplishment for a tribute band based out of LA. Besides, I don't think Iron Maiden will be playing ProgPower (but they tour regularly, so this is fine), and the Maidens are the next best thing (no question IMHO).
Hourglass. They don't have much touring experience yet, but I think they would be an awesome addition to the preparty lineup.
Prototype. Check these guys out if you have the chance. They don't get out of California much, so this would be an awesome opportunity for more of you to hear them play live. They are awesome!!!
Chastain, or one of David T.'s side projects. He doesn't want to tour regularly, but is interested in doing a gig or two occasionally. This would be an awesome opportunity for those that haven't seen him live to do so, and I'd love to see him and Kate do stuff from the new album (due this fall). I don't think there are enough people interested in seeing him on the PPV lineup, but I'd love to see him play at the preparty!!!
I'd suggest John Arch, but I think he would better be served in the PPV lineup. He isn't planning on touring, but suggested that he'd like to do one or two shows... and we would get Jim Matheos and very possibly Mike Portnoy onstage as well. I don't think the preparty would do them justice...
Who do you think should play the next preparty?