The Probably Stoppable MMA Thread


did anyone see this? fucking pudzian is such a beast

and who else is awaiting the slaughter fest that will be GSP vs. Hardy?

Jesus, those leg kicks were NAAAAAASTY. After that first one landed, dude bro was crocodile DONEdee. He wanted no more of that shit, but he still got some more. And a hearty LOL at taht ref after pulled that mammoth off Najman :lol:
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man it's crazy, I've been sick/studying for finals so I haven't been able to go to Muay Thai and I actually feel worse than I normally would even though I still lift and exercise. Something about it just gets the endorphins way better and just the aggression out. I need to go tomorrow O_O
I mean it wouldn't be fun, for sure... but I bet there are others that kick harder. Crocop might like to have a talk with you Kriggy.
Hahaha goddamn:

Pudzianowski commenting on his diet, "My energy comes from my diet. Breakfast is 10 eggs and 2-3 pounds of bacon. Between meals, I eat lots of candy. I need it for energy. Lunch, at 1 or 2 p.m., is a double meal of a Polish pork chop, sauerkraut and potatoes.
An hour later, I work out, then take lots of supplements: magnesium, creatine, amino acids, all that stuff, and more chocolate.
Dinner is whatever meat I can get: steaks, pork chops, bacon, plus more sauerkraut and potatoes. [After I work out] I have a protein shake and more chocolate."
well, we really didnt see much of pudzian in that fight, the other dude was running away the whole time, and when they did engage he looked kinda sloppy. i dont think he'd be so dominant against a pro thats not afraid of him.
Because a dude ran away and fell down, then got popped with a few shots and tapped out in less than a minute, means his opponent (this being his first pro fight) is automatically a ground and pound fighter?

The bottom line is we didn't see ANYTHING except some awkward running leg kicks (did you notice how low his hands were as he threw them? That is BAD BAD BAD BAD) and sloppy punches on a guy that didn't even want to be there in the first place.

In my opinion nobody has any business saying anything about anyone based on a performance like that. It's IMPOSSIBLE to judge a fighters skills based on such a short, uneven performance. Lets start talking about this after he's beaten a few more guys and gained at least a little bit of experience in the sport.
size and strength-wise, he'd be a good match cause lesnar wouldnt be able to just man-handle and dominate him like he does everyone else, but i doubt his skills are up to champion levels right now.