The Probably Stoppable MMA Thread

Started Muay Thai today, m,t,w,th 6:15-7:15 am :erk: still totally worth it though, the first class today was one of the hardest things I've done recently but the feeling of walking out of that place into the crisp morning air feeling totally exhausted and happy was an absolutely amazing moment. Next is Kung Fu at school from 9:10 - 10 and then the gym at 1:15, ouch :lol:
Yeah you're gonna get beat up doing MT for sure. It looks soooooo fun though! And you'll be completely deadly before you know it. Congrats man, martial arts are the shit.
I been training with my MMA buds here in town. The fight for Wyoming MMA and have been showing me some BJJ stuff. They have free weights and everything.

I was suppose to go to USA Boxing this last weekend but never got a chance to go with them.

I'm still sore from all the grappling at the house though lol....and rough sex.

edit: Also training and fighting keeps me sober so its a win-win situation.
Rubber match? They've only fought once so far.

Rubber match is the 3rd fight after they've had two already and each won one of them.
I'm moving pretty fast in Muay Thai, shadowboxing outside of class and practicing on different kind of bags and mannequins outside of class to work on combos has really helped me and made me move a lot faster than the other kids I think. If I can keep up the rate I'm going in maybe 3 months I'm going to start a martial art thats good on the ground. Shpongled you do BJJ right? Would you recommend it or is there something better for people with really long hair?
Lesnar didn't fight his way to the top, the UFC is all about big names, much like the WWE, same dudes fighting eachother over and over. He had 3 MMA fights before his title fight, 2 in the UFC, lost the first, and was given the fight out of nowhere. He doesn't win out of skill, the Frank Mir fight proves that, he's just a fuckin' monster. He was made to be a beast, and I'm sure he'll rely on that his entire career. He's the Shaq of MMA, he's not TERRIBLE, but he's definitly not very good beyond his size.
Shpongled you do BJJ right? Would you recommend it or is there something better for people with really long hair?
Yeah BJJ is basically my life nowadays. IMO it really is the best grappling martial art out there. Judo is really good too, but it's not focused on the ground game nearly as much as BJJ is. BJJ is effective in sport fighting as well as defending yourself in real life scenarios. Plus it's an intense workout. If you consistently train Muay Thai AND BJJ, you're going to be a fucking deadly rock before you know it. I do no sort of exercise outside of BJJ 3 times a week (save for my typical activities of walking a lot and riding my longboard) and I'm in the best shape I've ever been in. At this point I could probably take a full on punch in the stomach and not be affected by it.

I'll be honest though... my hair is quite a pain in the ass when it comes to BJJ. Fortunately there are some girls that train with us who are willing to French braid my hair before every practice. In the French braid, my hair isn't an issue for me. Sometimes it hangs down in my opponents' face if I'm on top but that's really the only time it bothers anybody. I think life in BJJ would be a lot easier with short hair, but for the time being I am able to deal with it fairly well. The one problem is that if I can't get it braided before practice, I can't roll. If it's not braided it will go EVERYWHERE and get really tangled super fast. I can do warmups and drills without a braid but when it comes to actually training and grappling, it needs to be there or it'll get ripped out.

Here's how I did it for the tournament I competed in back in July:



If I can learn to French braid my hair on my own, I'll never have anything to worry about, but until then it's kind of lame to have to rely on someone else to take care of me so I can train completely.

Alternately, you could go this route if you don't mind looking like a fruit loop.
Yeah BJJ is basically my life nowadays. IMO it really is the best grappling martial art out there. Judo is really good too, but it's not focused on the ground game nearly as much as BJJ is. BJJ is effective in sport fighting as well as defending yourself in real life scenarios. Plus it's an intense workout. If you consistently train Muay Thai AND BJJ, you're going to be a fucking deadly rock before you know it. I do no sort of exercise outside of BJJ 3 times a week (save for my typical activities of walking a lot and riding my longboard) and I'm in the best shape I've ever been in. At this point I could probably take a full on punch in the stomach and not be affected by it.

I'll be honest though... my hair is quite a pain in the ass when it comes to BJJ. Fortunately there are some girls that train with us who are willing to French braid my hair before every practice. In the French braid, my hair isn't an issue for me. Sometimes it hangs down in my opponents' face if I'm on top but that's really the only time it bothers anybody. I think life in BJJ would be a lot easier with short hair, but for the time being I am able to deal with it fairly well. The one problem is that if I can't get it braided before practice, I can't roll. If it's not braided it will go EVERYWHERE and get really tangled super fast. I can do warmups and drills without a braid but when it comes to actually training and grappling, it needs to be there or it'll get ripped out.

Here's how I did it for the tournament I competed in back in July:



If I can learn to French braid my hair on my own, I'll never have anything to worry about, but until then it's kind of lame to have to rely on someone else to take care of me so I can train completely.

Alternately, you could go this route if you don't mind looking like a fruit loop.

Yeah I wanted to hear what you had to say since I know you have long hair too, it seems like all the grappling/ground martial arts really are hard with long hair, the place near my house offers BJJ so thats probably what I'll end up doing. I'll try to learn that braid thing because that cap really is lame haha :lol: Yeah right now I do Muay Thai 4 times a week with a lot of outside training and once I get way better and have more stamina and am in better shape I'll definitely try to throw bjj in there, I don't want to start before I'm in good shape though haha.
That hair on your toes will be gone soon.

Bruises are awesome. I get huge ones on my biceps a lot, and fingertip shaped ones on my triceps. Good times!
Got done watching the Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar fight for the UFC contract. Been watching a lot of UFC re-runs on DVR again. Still think it is one of the best fights I have seen. Dana White made a good choice to award both the 6-figure contract.