The Probably Stoppable MMA Thread

God damn, 143. she's pure fucking muscle... and still sexy as fuck.
She'd be great for womens MMA, but I dont really see that taking off much

On July 1, 2009 it was reported that the winner of the Shane Carwin v. Cain Velasquez fight at UFC 104 will face Brock Lesnar in his second title defense on a date yet to be determined

Carwin is huge, like Brock. Not sure about Velasquez
So you wanna be an MMA fighter?

No, thanks. Watching the blood just starting to trickle out of the cut after he's KO'd gives me the chills.
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Damn he got kicked hard.

MMA is moving fast here in Wyoming. We have fight nights here in this small town more frequently now. The main events usually are held in Rock Springs. The website sucks though lol

John Alexander is going to be in Riverton for the fight night. This was in August.

It's crappy but it's something, and it's growing. I'll be going to these. Anyone can sign up for this really, but it's a small step.
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So anyone else wondering why Cro Cop was so non-aggressive? He didn't look very confident striking despite the fact he caught Dos Santos pretty good a number of times. Really disappointing he need to go to a good camp or retire,9,20,,176969.jl

Cro cop admited after ufc 103 that he dosnt have the passion for mma.
Croatian gladiator Mirko Filipovic didnt make any excuses for him self or anyone else after a new failure in the UFC octagon in Dallas. Defeat from the brazilian "stallion" Junior dos Santos best describes hes own sentance: I ****ed up, and thats it.

Its obvius your far from a champion form?
- Maybe those who say i'm for old metal scrap yard are right. Its obvius i cant break the psychological barrier in the octagon. In addition there is 20 years of spartanic training behind me, its come to some fatigue. Years have caught up to me, "i'm eaten by saturation" (hes a bit fed up).

What exactly happend at to stoppage in the 3rd round?
- Dos Santos hit me with hes fist in the eye and slashed my eyelid. Blood and sweet compliantly blurred my sight field, i stood like a blind man in the cage. In one moment at the end of the fight i confused the referee and the opponent. Later on it was reviled that the inside from my eyelid broke from the punch.
In the locker room I got four stitches.

Did you on surrender on your own or was it the referees initiative?
- No, i didnt give up, nor did i asked the referee to stop it. It was hes call.

Did the refree stop the fight prematurle ?
- It dosnt matter, i would have lost on points regardless.

Did Dos Santos surprise u with hes aggressiveness and strength?
- Simply, hes younger, hungrier, more motivated. He wanted to win more.

The blood on Santos face shows that you were not completely harmless?
I broke hes arcade, several times I hit well, but overall speaking, it was my failure.

Where did that lethal HK vanish?
The surface was slippery as glass. A couple of times i almost landed on my butt trying to do the high-kick.
However, thats no alibi. That was not a performance people would buy tickets for.

So what did hinder you in Dallas?
The hunger for wining is missing. I became a "ziheras" (some who only does safe things. dose not take risks) , i'm not wiling to risk anymore. I thank everyone who supported me, all who cheered for me and everyone who helped me to prepare for a duel against Dos Santos. I'm sorry I have disappointed them.

These sound like farewell words from ultimate fight?
For two decades, I feel like i'm on military time. Every morning i get up at 6 and i dont stop with sport activities till night.
I wishing some civilian life. I enter the cage, and i'm thinking of fishing in Privlaca. You cant win that way

If this was your last fight in his career?
- Maybe I should have said my goodbyes in 2006, after I won the Pride Grand Prix ...
The surface was slippery as glass. A couple of times i almost landed on my butt trying to do the high-kick.

Surprised to hear that, haha. At least he's honest about it. Really, I didn't expect him or Franklin to lose the other night.

Still amazing.

Fuck that shit up Cro Cop! Dude's already achieved legendary status in the sport and provided us with countless highlight reel KOs. He's fought the best of the best and now it's looking like his time has finally come. I for one say he's more than earned his right to call it a day and go fishing in Privlaca.




(damn imagine being that dude looking up and seeing Cro Cop coming down on you like that!)

Not many people can survive this. Mark Hunt can.

Go catch some fish, Mirko. We love you.
So I was watching some ultimate fighter show on tv today and I was wondering, how do they determine who wins in a UFC match? Is it by who's on the ground longest or who lands the most hits or what? the person I thought would win ended up losing and I was really confused.
So I was watching some ultimate fighter show on tv today and I was wondering, how do they determine who wins in a UFC match? Is it by who's on the ground longest or who lands the most hits or what? the person I thought would win ended up losing and I was really confused.

I'll answer this tomorrow when I have more energy to type and I can do it on company time ;)
So I was watching some ultimate fighter show on tv today and I was wondering, how do they determine who wins in a UFC match? Is it by who's on the ground longest or who lands the most hits or what? the person I thought would win ended up losing and I was really confused.

It's really a combination of all the different ways you can control your opponent. One of the terms you hear the UFC guys say a lot is "Octagon control." What that means is who is dictating how the fight goes. If a guy can land a takedown, get his opponent down where he wants him, stay on top of him and inflict damage, he's scoring points with the judges while the other guy is not. If the guy on bottom can escape from the guy on top, he's not necessarily scoring points, but he's keeping the other guy from scoring also. In general, if one guy is on top in a dominant position and the other guy is on his back attempting submissions, the guy on top is still in control of where the fight's taking place. This is one aspect of MMA scoring I don't like. A guy on his back could be throwing up sub after sub and maybe almost getting them, but if he can't get off his back and to a better position, the points are going to the other guy.

There are many different positions in ground fighting/grappling. To be in someone's guard isn't a dominant position. But if they can pass that guard and get into side control, that plays well in the judges eyes. SIDE NOTE: In a competitive Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu match, passing someone's guard actually gives you real points. You get those points every time you pass a guard. It's not like this in MMA. In MMA it's added into that term "octagon control". You pass a guard, you don't get actual points, but the judges do take note and must consider it in their overall scoring.

What it all comes down to is who can inflict the most damage and control their opponent more. That's why you see a lot of boring fights with one guy on top of the other guy the entire time. Even if the guy on top isn't doing much damage to his opponent... if he can stay on top and keep his opponent from inflicting any damage on him then he'll win, albeit in a very boring fashion.

In the US, fights are scored on a 10 point must system for every round, the same as boxing. So if a guy completely dominates the first two rounds, his opponent must finish him in order to win because even if the opponent completely whoops guys' ass in the 3rd round but doesn't finish him, he's still lost the first two and ultimately the fight.

I think fights should be scored the way they are in Japan... overall. Not round by round, but by the overall fight.
Wow that's all insanely confusing haha. It makes a little more sense though now, thanks. If anymore is on tonight I'll watch it and try to see it working, I thought it was just whoever gets knocked out or hit with their ass whooped the most loses (but I haven't seen any knockouts anyway yet).
Oh yeah, there are many more ways to win. What I just explained is how the judges score the fight if it happens to go to a decision, meaning all three rounds (or in the case of a championship fight, five rounds) expire without one fighter winning.

The other ways to win are KO, TKO, Submission, or Disqualification. Keep watching, you'll see some KOs and submissions before you know it. Try not to get bored when they go to the ground. There's some insane strategy involved in the ground aspect of MMA and if you know what to watch for it's really interesting to see how each guy works his position. Good BJJ fighters are comfortable and dangerous on their backs, where wrestlers usually HATE being on their back. The whole point of wrestling is to pin your opponents shoulders down, so naturally they panic when put in that position in an MMA fight. There are so many subtleties that you never really think about until you've watched a lot of the sport. It's really cool when there's a good fight, but there's also a fair amount of boring fights in the mix too. It all depends on how the fighters' styles match up and who wants it more.
Cool. Didn't realize this thread existed. So, any predictions on UFC 103? Is that what we're up to now? Ha ha. Personally, I hope Machida wins. What a great asset to MMA. I'd like to see Ben win against Cain, but I don't know.