The Probably Stoppable MMA Thread

Nothing wrong with that. UFC needs to be more realistic like Pride was anyway.

I would love an anything goes, no weight class, fight to the death type thing. That's the way it should be.
Krig did you miss it when he did the same exact thing to Wanderlei Silva with the other hand? Hendo's dangerous on his feet and even moreso on the ground. I'd actually like to see him fight Anderson Silva again.
So what do you guys think? Does Forrest Griffin have any chance against Anderson Silva tomorrow?

I say yes he does, but not a huge one. I think he'll get over-anxious at some point during the fight and get crazy. That's when Silva will catch him and put him away. Silva by (T)KO late 2nd, early 3rd.
This goes without saying around here but I am liking BJ Penn over Florian. Penn is too good for Mr. Bluesteel :lol:

I am also thinking Silva will defeat Griffin. This will be a good match though.
I think Florian beats Penn. Penn still can't get over being dominated by GSP and Kenny is HUNGRY. If BJ shows up in shape, and mentally prepared then it will be a rough night for Kenflo. BJ had better be at the top of his game physically and mentally if he wants to beat Kenny.
Yeah it's gonna be interesting. I'm actually really excited to see a fight for the first time in a while. My instinct is telling me two things right now and they're conflicting with each other big time; Never bet against Anderson Silva, he's one of the P4P best, and; There's upset in the in the air and Forrest is the one to bring it.

Gonna be fun, just a few hours out now!
Kinda bums me I no longer have access to this.. Hope Silva/Griffin shows up on youtube or somewhere.

Despite not knowing much about Griffin, I'm guessing Silva will win by K.O. Incredible fighter.
Silva is the fastest mother fucker in MMA
He throws shot off balance while going backwards and still does damage. wtf!

Penn Florian was boring as fuck
whole night was pretty shitty