The Probably Stoppable MMA Thread

My first reaction was oh shit he got him with a pretty good jab, but after all the slow motion replays I think Forrest fixed the fight, if fucking Rampage Jackson doesn't knock him in 5 rounds how can 1 weak jab make him surrender?
You really think he took a dive? Fucking LOL if you're serious ahaha.

Word on the street now is that Forrest's jaw was dislocated after one of the exchanges and he had a sharp piercing noise in his ear, and that's why he (and his entire team) ran out of the arena like they did.

I wouldn't say he threw the fight, but I wouldn't be surprised if he QUIT. It almost looked like Forrest was just looking for a way out of the fight once it started (and once he got hurt maybe?). It'll be interesting to see what comes of this and what Forrest says next time he talks to the media. It was definitely a strange fight all the way around. Silva is literally untouchable. I know Silva says he won't do it, but Dana seems to think he will be able to get him to fight Machida. That would be all sorts of epic.
I was just wondering, because of how weird it was that he wasn't knocked out on the ground and just gave up after not that hard of a punch, and then how he ran off at the end. I mean that seemed really strange for a guy who supposedly has a great chin.

He definitely quit the fight, that just fucked with me, Forrest Griffin is the last person you'd expect to quit the fight
hahah great picture:

Also, did you guys notice the fan steal Kenny Florian's hat right off his head as he walked down the aisle? I was laughing so hard when I saw it live. I asked my friends if they noticed that too but apparently they weren't paying attention to the TV at the time. They didn't believe me haha. But as luck would have it, someone just made a gif and now I have proof to present to them!

Hahaha, I like the way that guys hand doesn't even attempt to pat him on the back or anything, just straight for the fucking hat.
I wanna go for a walk on the beach with her. Then maybe a nice dinner and funny movie afterwards.