the problem with the "random" feature on my iTunes office mix


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
because i put songs on there that have two parts i never get to hear them in their entirety. for example:

1. Judas Priest The Hellion/Electric Eye- they are separate tracks but can yoiu really have the Hellion on its own? its supposed to get you psyched for electric eye.

2. MOTW-Riseth He, The Numberless- I thought that our idea to split this track in half on the cds and not tell anyone was rather clever but now i get either one half or the other which is LAME.

you know, those people, youre like "yea, i really enjoyed those books... " and theyre like "enjoyed? i experienced those books.... fifty times" and you're like "huh... i read some other books too" and theyre like "WHAT other books?" i know theres some funny rule here about caps, but oh well