The 'Promote Your Band' Thread Mk.II

Lovely! Just lovely. Now give me the other six songs.

Utopian Black logo underway, courtesy of Lord Podgie :D Jams hopefully commencing this week or next

Hypertension stuff, errr.... should be meeting up with a singer tomorrow hopefully
Ok, so my old band are finally onto the task of finishing our last batch of recordings which was meant to happen years ago before we retired. Anyway, the first one is now up at our myspace, please give it a listen, I'd appreciate it. We were sort of melodic slightly progressive old school metal, the new song is called Cicatrix, I'm the singer and I wrote the lyrics for this one.

The release of this is hopefully the forerunner of a 20 minute progressive epic about a voyage to the antarctic which we've been attempting to finish for about four years...

Cheers dudes!
Pure fappage Joe - FAPPAGE I tell you!

Well today has been fucking amazing because Hypertension gained a drummer AND a fucking incredible singer. We're so fucking stoked we can't even begin to express it - first order of business is to get Welcome to Dying recorded for the Onslaught tribute. And then we're going to drink heavily, and....

... Well, we haven't planned much further than that
Thanks dude! That's funny, I thought it might not really be up your street musically so especially glad you enjoyed it. Cheers! Sounds like you had a productive day too, so a toast to that!

By the way, if anyone wants me to play any of your bands on the radio let me know and send me mp3s...
Thanks everyone! I'm really happy with it, but will be happier if we ever finish The Will... honestly, it's a 20-minute epic about a voyage in the Antarctic which goes horribly wrong, with loads and loads of crazy riffs and time-changes, all written by our drummer. I'm aware that it sounds pompous and preposterous and Spinal Tap but that's what it is and honestly it's incredible - like a metal symphony. We learned it before we retired two years ago and played the first ten minutes at our final gig... it was ace, I dressed in a captain's outfit with a terrible home-made telescope. Might put it on youtube if I can work out how to rip it from DVD. We've recorded the drums and the guitars are getting there and there's talk of doing some vocals soon, but honestly, we've been working on it for four years, it's turned into our very own Chinese Democracy, so let's hope it's less disappointing than that if it ever sees the light of day...

Release-wise, fuck knows! What do you do with 2 songs, one of which is 5 minutes and the other of which is 21 minutes? We're going to have to have a think about that... There will be a full-length Thrashist Regime album hopefully soon too, we've finished the rhythm guitars and been waiting on a bunch of drum-edits for months now, and when they happen we can move forward...

Rusty - That Shrapnel track is fucking deadly. Kind of like heavier Mortal Sin vocally. Send me an mp3 and I'll play it on the radio fo shiz...
Onslaught tracks are all done bar vocals and the solo for Killing Peace, and I'm going to be recording some Bloodbrawl demos over the next few months (like, actually doing it this time) with any luck.
May as well explain it a bit.

Basically, Skullstörm (umlauts are cool) was started because A. Vermintide and myself are sick of shit death metal that all sounds alike, and B. because it's something we've both wanted to do but we've never had the right people to do it with. So we went "Fuck it, why not just do it ourselves as a recording-only thing?". So that's basically what we're doing, though saying that we MIGHT do an occasional live show with some hired guns if we feel like it. It's not going to be anything overly serious - I mean, musically it will be but it's not going to be the same as say, Hypertension where we're going to be actively writing, rehearsing, recording and gigging around the clock. We'll get together, write and record a short demo or an EP every year and possibly do like, two shows a year or something like that. Then go back to our respective bands and do that thing until either a decent show comes up that we fancy doing or until we want to do another recording the following year.

It's something that we find FUN, and 'fun' is a word I seldom use when it comes to doing music nowadays so this might be a good thing for my mental state at this point. I'm doing vocals on this one too, though I'm still going to be writing (and possibly recording) riffs and such as well so it's an opportunity for me to get back into doing death metal vocals without it really mattering too much. We've got no plans to take it seriously and do it as a fully functional band, though you never know... we might get a great reception and a shitload of demand, in which case we'll sit down and dicuss the possibilities of doing it properly but even then our loyalties lie with our respective bands. Hypertension is going to be fucking good once we get rehearsing regularly and Verm is in the middle writing the second Vindicator album - though saying that, I MAY be joining Vindicator on bass - so there's nobody going "Oh yeah we're gonna do an album then go on tour" or whatnot since we've both got a lot to do. I think the entire creative process - writing, recording and releasing - of the average Skullstörm demo/EP would take maybe three to four months at most, and that'd be us working together on the odd occasion for writing and idea pitching with two days to record. Because we work fucking fast hahaha. And obviously, because he's in Leeds and I'm in Sheffield, meetings WILL be quite scarce so really, it won't be much of a problem. We just want to release some brutal sounding old school death metal, is that too much to ask?

Seriously though, I'm really interested to hear what you lot have to say on this (except for Dan, since he's voiced his opinion on my lust for variety many times). Think Bolt Thrower, Entombed, Napalm Death and a bit of Sodom in a blender and that's essentially what we're looking at - nothing stupidly complex.