The 'Promote Your Band' Thread Mk.II

I assume that they were mexicans, they had mad moustaches and sombreros. Also, chilli and guns.

It's looking good right now, obviously not got an album title or artwork now but we don't give a fuck - that'll be taken care of in the summer. I'm feeling pretty stoked about Bloodbrawl again right now, though I guarantee that'll change within a week :lol:
It's.... interesting. Not really my thing, but I can tell that it's decent for what it is if that makes sense. Atmospheric and/or black metal stuff is far from my cup of Jack.

On a seperate note, check the logo draft motherfuckers!

Ace beans!

Skullst0rm stuff is going good, we're gonna hammer out a three song demo soon - two songs, 'Fleshbound' and 'Mandatory Cremation' are sounding brutal as a mammoth with a chainsaw for a face. Covered in acid. Stay tuned for more. Also, Hypertension needs a drummer since our current dude is pretty much completely unreliable so... any takers? :p
I might also add that after my work with Skullstörm and the Bloodbrawl recordings (the demo and the full length) are out of the way - hopefully all of which should be next year - I'm considering doing something which may run over the course of about five years. I'm not going to say what it is yet because I'm unsure whether or not I want to do it, it may well just be my brain going all crazy and ambitious recently for all I know but if it happens it'll be pretty awesome.

I'll let you know in due time but if it does happen, I'm certain that it's something everybody here will appreciate musically at one point or another. The only person I've spoken to about this whatsoever is Siobhan and she gave me a thumbs up but all the same, I'm waiting this one out.
Right, mass update.

Bloodbrawl - As a band, as good as dead. The demo/EP "In the Lungs of Hell" is being done between easter and summer and will be put up for free download when done, whereas the album - which has been titled "Nefasturris" - will be done whenever I have the time. No deadlines or anything, it'll be done when it's done.

Skullstörm - No clue. We'll pick it up when we have time free, looking like late March/April - three track sampler one the way to see what people think. If they like it, we'll do an album. If not, we'll drop everything.

Vindicator - Rehearsals are underway, full length album out this year or next. Shows to come soon-ish.

Hypertension - No drummer at he moment, currently working on a demo and the Welcome to Dying cover. The WtD recording is going to be exceptional and very, very special for reasons I can't talk about yet, and it's pretty much our top priority next to getting someone behind the drumkit. First 'full' band meeting on Tuesday!
Not too bad!

Skullstörm stuff - we've officially announced the three track demo (self-titled "Skullstörm") and we'll be starting work on it in late March. No idea about the release date yet, looking to be summer with any luck! All updates get posted on our Facebook page, we'll have artwork, tracklistings, release dates, band photos and audio samples over time.