The 'Promote Your Band' Thread Mk.II

not really a band but it's the first original song I've really recorded all the way through
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Då går det alltså att förstå dig i alla fall när du pratar;) Bor i värmland så jag har faktiskt ganska lätt att förstå norska:p
Holy shitting fuck, BLOODBRAWL NEWS!!

"In the Lungs of Hell" is, dare I say it, fucking finished. Like, definitely completely and utterly 100% done finished. Not only that, but the album "Nefasturris" is about 70% done as well - minus lyrics (in terms of lyrics, ITLOH has one song and Nefasturris has two/three). I'm going to start recording ASAP, but with my current schedule with Vindicator being busy, Skullstuuuuuuuuurrrrrrm's demo being started this month and Hypertension requiring some effort it may be awhile until it's actually out. But still, holy shitting fuck - I'm actually happy with what I've got. Maybe doing it by myself wasn't such a shitty idea after all? But yeah, with any luck you can expect to have the EP available for (free) download around Q3 2011, but as for Nefasturris... that's gonna take some time and real hard effort to get done. I can tell you for definite that it'll be at least ten tracks long, maybe up to 15 if I decide to include some extras or some intros/outros/interludes etc. but aye.... watch this space.

Vindicator have a show booked at the Old Bell in Derby on Saturday April 30th - I know Full Thrash Assault is on in Wakefield that day, but fuck FTA this year. Stevie gave Vindicator's spot to Bludvera, which I find personally offensive. We're with Hellrazor and two other bands (whom I've yet to be informed of) and we should have.... what, 30 minutes or so? We MIGHT have shirts available, we'll hopefully be giving out cassette copies of the 1982 demo "Undead In Leather" that the boss found in his attic but fuck knows. I'm not involved with the business things, only the publicity - new album "Black Sacrament" is out this year and we'll be playing one (possibly two) new songs in Derby, so get down and drink beer/smoke weed/stab scallies with us.

Hypertension MAY have found a drummer, that shit's pending. Going to record a demo if he joins with three songs and two covers which'll be up for free download.

Skullstuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrm stuff is pretty much on hold until the end of the month when we start working on it properly, but since Verm wants to recoird it in Blame Flame Studios - which is still currently building-less - it may not come out until summer. I don't know, nobody tells me nuthin'. But rest assured, what we have so far is so dick-splittingly heavy that it'll make you cry during sex. Like Dan does.
Overthrown, here are the lyrics. I can translate to english if anyone is interested, but i doubt anyone are.

i det endeløse dyp
Når tiden var ung
Det første lys våknet

Datter av mørket
Mor til lyset
En varde i mørktes rike

Tomrommets øyne
Bak henne fulge
Som strålende skygger
Det første morgengry

i det endeløse dyp
Når tiden var ung
Det første lys våknet

Datter av mørket
Mor til lyset
En varde i mørktes rike

Skapelsens hjerte
Dødens øye
Morgengryets sjel

Morgenstjernes fagre lys
Fikk få noen gang skue
For døden kom
Og ting ble atter mørkt
So I just got back from Vindicator rehearsal... wow.

So today was the first time we've gone through The Unburied Dead and Undead In Leather, and it was fucking mad. We haven't got The Unburied Dead quite down yet because it's a bit mad, not to mention that bastard bridge section that NEEDS the sample over it to keep in time with, but Undead In Leather... fuck man, we nailed it on the first or second take. Like, completely. Ryan and myself had spent the day being very, very sick and we were all tired as fuck but for some reason this rehearsal had next to no screwups (with the exception of the odd technical difficulty) which is pretty insane considering it's our fourth rehearsal.

Four rehearsals, seven tracks nailed, one half nailed. Learning two brand new tracks next time. Shit's so cash.
we should be doing some demos for the album in a couple weeks. all looking really cool so far. working titles include:

burnt and murdered
napalm face
donkey cannon
mong patrol
chump lips
satan is mad
It's competition time in the Skullstörm camp! Anybody who can guess the two cover songs we're recording as a special treat will get sent the demo before release and a one-off Skullstörm shirt... pretty generous, no? Get guessing - link can be found in my signature on here :D