The 'Promote Your Band' Thread Mk.II

Seems like I'm the only one with anything to say these days :lol:

Meeting with a possible drummer for Hypertension today. Here's hoping it goes well - Vindicator rehearsal is scheduled for tomorrow, but it depends on how I'm feeling. I'm braving it today by going to meet this lad, but I felt dreadful yesterday and today I'm only feeling marginally better. Fingers crossed.

almost 3 songs from our set with Evile a couple weeks ago
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was a good'n dude!
will be uploading the rest when youtube stops being a barrel of dicks
might be able to sort some dates but now is probably best to leave it until after festival season is over. so september onwards. gives a lot of promotional time and everything to.

will have a think!
Also, because I'm just so fucking nice, I've uploaded the title track from the 1982 demo "Undead In Leather" to Youtube - the boss will probably kill me for this since he wanted to wait until we'd remastered it before we put it online, but fuck him. Enjoy.

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