The 'Promote Your Band' Thread Mk.II

:lol: Great post

Well, the Selby show went down an absolute fucking storm - and it marked the first time we've been offered gifts, asked to sign stuff and had requests shouted out during our set hahaha. Kinda bizarre! But yes, this is now the last you'll see of Vindicator until well into next year since we're now going into the studio to record our full length "Black Sacrament". And holy shit is it turning out well.

Can't give too much away, but I can say that we'll have an instrumental track on it near the end. A truely epic one at that, expect a video diary in January. Seriously, I cannot believe that we're doing this... it's incredible.
Dead serious. I think it's the name of the Dark Brotherhood's bible more or less. I saw the description for it on one of the loading screens. I'll check later when I get a chance.
Dubstep is the worst attempt at music I've ever heard. I have lots of respect for Groan, but this is terrible.
No, it really doesn't. My mind is open, I listen to other genres besides metal, but dubstep sure as hell isn't one of them.
No, it really doesn't.

It doesn't take time and skill!? Woah... You have no idea!

If this is what you think and you say you listen to other things but metal... do you mean electronic music? What styles do you like? Personally I love drum n bass, jungle, dub, dubstep and acid house (especially acid house) the most. And to create electronic music you use the same technology and methods for all of these styles, so if you do like some electronic music and respect it, then you can't say dubstep requires no skill.

If you learn your way around a synthesizer, software, automation, effects and the mathematics all involved in it and create a dubstep track for me in a day then I'll bow down. But until then I am telling you that you are very wrong. That's not just my opinion, because I know what is required to do this sort of stuff.
It's essentially just using proTools then :lol:

On the subject of that Black Sacrament book, I got this message form Verm:
It's always been in Elder Scrolls brah, that's how you summon the Night Mother to arrange contract killings. But still. The moment when I found a note on a dead assassin reading "The black sacrament has been performed- Vermintide must die..." MIND = BLOWN"

Either a kickass lyric or a terrible omen :lol:
Guys!! I desperately need your help this one time!!

We've been chosen to participate in the most prestigious contest for bands on the edge of breaking through in Norway. I therefore need your vote! We're in the semifinals, duelling against a fucking dubsteb guy. Please help us out by entering THIS LINK and click on the heart beneath our picture!

It's done in less than a second. Please spread the word.

Thank you!
It's essentially just using proTools then :lol:

No. Pro Tools isn't good enough for MIDI really. It's clear that I'd be unable to argue my case here. So I'm going to continue to have fun and remix a Groan song in different styles every week.

If it takes no talent, and is 'just' using software... I'd like to see what you guys could create in any electronic music style. It's no walk in the park.
On the subject of that Black Sacrament book, I got this message form Verm:
It's always been in Elder Scrolls brah, that's how you summon the Night Mother to arrange contract killings. But still. The moment when I found a note on a dead assassin reading "The black sacrament has been performed- Vermintide must die..." MIND = BLOWN"

Either a kickass lyric or a terrible omen :lol:

:lol: That's fantastic.