The 'Promote Your Band' Thread Mk.II

And for everything good, there's something bad as I've just found out that we're not playing the Norwich show. I won't be attending rehearsals for awhile, as I'll probably be tempted to break the everloving shit out of everything.
And for everything good, there's something bad as I've just found out that we're not playing the Norwich show. I won't be attending rehearsals for awhile, as I'll probably be tempted to break the everloving shit out of everything.

Ah thats lame. How long has it been since you played? Also how long are your sets when you do play?
shame you guys cant make it but these things happen, another time!

anyone looking at getting tickets for Hammerfest 4 please use Shrapnel as your promo code, it helps us out and should get you a discount of weekend tickets! if anyone is also registered at the forums over there please go and find ours and tell them we're the greatest band ever....:lol:

we are back to mega writing mode and have like 5 songs to finish up before we book studio time hopefully for september next year! long time away but we have a lot of prep to do this time around! getting exciting though
We got asked to join in the Hammerfest scam. You gotta sell over a certain amount to play, so bands get their mates to buy tickets with the promoters knowing fully well that most small bands probably won't sell enough. But tickets are still sold, so no skin off their backs.
We got asked to join in the Hammerfest scam. You gotta sell over a certain amount to play, so bands get their mates to buy tickets with the promoters knowing fully well that most small bands probably won't sell enough. But tickets are still sold, so no skin off their backs.

this is how pretty much all shows work, particularly getting opening spots for tours as a local band
Since we've been so mightily shafted for this next show - our final show for the foreseeable future - we've decided 'Fuck it, they want us to play first? We're going to be so tight, so good, so fucking unbearably heavy that the audience will drop fucking dead during the set'. So determined are we, that we're even going so far as to use our intro tape (which we haven't done since our first show), play Monolith and...

...Wait for it...


...We're officially introducing Rigor Mortis into the setlist. That my friends, is how fucking serious we are - we've never played this song as a band before, bar one rehearsal where we did it badly and forgot the lyrics. We've not rehearsed it yet and we only have one rehearsal to get it nailed. People wanted it, and they'll get it. Prepare yourselves for final judgment.

(This post may or may not have been written under the influence of alcohol)
Lo, for not a band of troubadours doth this knight herald to thee, yet ye Heaviest web-saga of all:

This post now concludeth!
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