The Promoter's Poll

How do you feel now?

  • I think it still sucks ass

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • My opinon hasn't changed be that good or bad

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • I feel a bit better, but I still was hoping for more

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • I'm totally psyched now

    Votes: 33 50.8%

  • Total voters
When my friends and I first read the list, we were a little dissapointed not knowing about half of the bands. But time has moved on, research done, and we all agree that this year is going to have much ass-kicking involved. I personally cannot wait to see Circle II Circle, Pagan's Mind, Evergrey, and of course Symphony X. One question though Glenn, why have Rage headline, when Symphony X is clearly the favorite among the most of the fans going? Well either way, I would like to say good job on the lineup and I will be looking forward to my first, but not last Prog Power.
First, let's keep in mind that SX and Rage get the same amount of time. That said, Rage has been around for 20 years and *never* played in the U.S. Romeo & Co. just have done two tours in the U.S. within the past year.

I am also strongly convinced that the majority of people that visit and post on this forum are the "progressive" fans. Thus, the previous poll gets scewed a bit.

Glenn H
I Didn't Know What To Think At First Because I Didn't Know Half The Bands. Since Then I Have Bought A Cd From Most Of The Bands And Several From Others And I Think Its Going To Kick Ass. I Was Prepared To Go This Year Just To See Circle Ii Circle, But Now I'm Looking Foward To Seeing Everyone, Except Rage.
I too didn't know anyone but nightwish,evergrey,and symphony x when list was presented. Since then, I have truly enjoyed vandenplas and circleIIcircle,along with mercenary. I liked the one song you had of secret sphere. Redemption was okay but not mind blowing. Pagan's mind will truly have to win me over as I didn't really like their first cd. Rage, I enjoyed the video you had of them.

Looking forward to my first progpower!
Well, I gotta say, I' didn't know about 75% of the bands, and now that I have heard most of em I'm really looking forward to it.

Not really into the deathier sounds that a couple had, but actually looking forward to that too - just cause it's something different.

Some of the bands I am familiar with...some this will be a first time experience for me. I like the balance of the line up. I've heard samples and songs from all the bands but one and you know who that one is ;) I can honestly say dammit I CAN NOT WAIT for Sept! Now if my damn ride will get his act together..I will be set!

Unlike most of the people posting I knew of all the bands except Mercinary. The only bands I truly look forward to would be Rage and Circle II Circle. I personally don't think this years roster even comes close to last years. But to each their own. Hope everyone enjoys anyway.
Well, I am completely "psyched" as it were, for this, especially being from Atlanta (not that I haver been able to procure a ticket YET...but I will), but honestly...what could compare to PP3? The first stateside appearances by a number of legendary or new and much adored acts was a once in a lifetime thing. Still, fo rme that doesn't take away from this year, and I hope it gets bigger and better each time. There's nothing else out there to even compete with ProgPower, its the best and only choice for anyone who truly understands and loves music, and metal.

Me & my friends coming (3 of us for our 1st PP last year, and one newly converted \m/ ) only new a handful of bands on this lineup. But after doing the famous "metallus researchus" All of us are looking forward to seeing every band save Redemption. They just didn't do anything for us. Although, it would be cool if they whip out Silent Cries live with Ray (hint hint). We're mostly power fans but are open to give every band a shot.

Last year I was only interested in seeing 5 bands; Silent Force, Edguy, Angra, Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray... this year I'm looking forward to 9 bands. In a way, this year's lineup will be better for me than last year's, but seeing those 5 bands last year was mind-blowing. I'll be the first to push for the return of Silent Force next PP if possible (hint hint #2).

First off, let me saythat we were all going no matter the lineup cos the experience and fun factor is very high. When the lineup was posted I was stoked about Synphony X, Nightwish, Evergrey and Secret Sphere. Rage is ok, I've never been a major fan of, but I do like them. Then I found out that Circle II Circle was Zakk's new band (album kicks ass by the way), from there went to Mercenary (new #1 fans coming from Florida, the everblack album is \m/).. Vanden Plas I picked up a promo cd of their latest release off ebay (sorry guys, wanted to try it out cheaply) and I was really into it and plan on buying the actual releases in Atlanta :) And from everyone's ramblings about Pagan's Mind I ordered their debut CD from The End Records and really like it, everyone says the new CD is better, but I haven't found it yet.

Hats off to Glen for a job well done and the 4 of us might be 5 by showtime if my other bud can make up his mind about finding a ticket through here or ebay, if not, he'll make PPV for sure.

From all the events and concerts I've been to, Glenn has the class to pull off a great show and the balls to not take sh*t from anyone. He does it his way and his way works well \m/ .. don't ever change man, this is a new yearly pilgrimage for us in Florida !!
I must admit that I am totally psyched! Hats off to Glenn!!!!!!!! I am just as psyched about meeting up with other members from this forum and a couple of others.
To be honest, I'm one of the " Power " fans. At the begining I was VERY dissapointed because I was hoping to see bands like Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica etc.. I'm making a long expensive trip, so a couple of months ago I thought it wasn't worth it. I've done serious research now and I am convinced it is a great roster. I'll be there.
As my buddy Keep Walking was saying we were dissapointed when the band roster was announced, since we didn't know more than half of the roster. Since then we've listened to most of the bands at its definately a killer lineup. At first glance we thought most of the bands were on the progressive side, but having listened to a lot of them they might appeal to both the power metal fans and the progressive metal fans.
We've got everything ready and we totally psyched out. See you all in September.
Hey Wandrail, hate to burst your bubble. But the progpower isn't the only game in town. This year we have Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles doing their two day six pack concert. Check them out also.
im still really really happy to see a long Rage set. My only down note is the only bands im really into are teh 4 headliners. All of which i have seen before.
but i am very excited to see a longer Evergrey and Rage set (although they need 7 hours :) and i want to see the new nightwish material live.

Most of the other bands arent bad so i wont be miserable waiting/standing all day.
I chose not to vote, because none of the answers really fit how I felt. I feel better about the line-up now then I did when it was announced, but I was pretty damn happy with it then.

Aside from Rage's tenure in Metal, I still find them to be an odd choice for one of the two headlining slots. It seems they generate so little chatter on any of the boards, newsgroups or review sites that I frequent, that I was really surprised to learn that they were closing the festival. Other than that, I think it's a better show than last year (I'm more of a Prog fan), but not as good as PPII. Had Iced Earth priced themselves reasonably and they were closing the festival, this would have been the best PP line-up to date. All that being said, between the quality of the event and the quality of the people in attendance, I will continue to buy my Gold Badges blind without fear of disappointment. I’m totally psyched for the show and think it's a hell of a line-up.

General Zod said:
I chose not to vote, because none of the answers really fit how I felt. I feel better about the line-up now then I did when it was announced, but I was pretty damn happy with it then.

I'm gonna echo this...I'm a bit more excited now because I've heard the few bands I was unfamiliar with and I REALLY liked what I heard. Kudos to Glenn, the Man :)

One more thing: PP may not be the only game in town, but it's definitely the BEST game. I'll be attending the BWBK festival, and while I think that will be way cool, I don't think it will come close to the total experience that is ProgPower USA.
