a very enlightening thread. and thank you dave!
Mmmm, how Hi is Fi
I'm not so much into Hi End as Classic Audio...
Got fed up with all the hype and astronomical prices, my gear ROCKS like few others.![]()
How do you mean 'got fed up'? You were into hifi in the past?
I am so addicted to music and audio that I made my hobby also my parttime job. I work at a high end audio shop in Amsterdam the Netherlands that has several shops across the country. It's quite well known. url: www.hobo.nl
Myself, I own a Marantz cd17 cd player, a TagMclaren pre and power amp and Dynaudio contour S1.4 loudspeakers
Thanks a lot for the info! I know a lot of audio as an end user but almost nothing about the production of it.
And I think you're right about that uber realistic can be boring. But that also depends on the artist/band.
Oh yeah I got fed up because I was putting together Hi End audio and Loudspeakers from 1971 onwards for Radfords, have you heard of them?
Nowadays the junk they sell as Hi End is f'in laughable and a bit of a ripoff imho...
Gone is the hobby element, years before, Hi-Fi enthusiasts made their own valve amps and speaker enclosures.
I had an Audiolab 8000A for a while, paid 15 ukp for it.it was ok I suppose, my old vintage amps sound light years better.
I don't get it; you worked for Radford? (designing/manerfacturing) Or did you sell radford products?
By the way I never heard or read about Radford before.