The Question Topic


Apr 1, 2008
Now that you can tag people, this seems like a fun idea. Just tag someone and ask them something. It can be whatever you want, whether it's a serious question or you just want to ask someone's opinion.

@sloughfegkillers What is the coolest place that you've gotten to go while doing your job? Also, have you has any scary moments at sea?

@HamburgerBoy What does your username mean? If it's a reference to something, I don't know what.
I got it from this classic episode:

Now that you can tag people, this seems like a fun idea. Just tag someone and ask them something. It can be whatever you want, whether it's a serious question or you just want to ask someone's opinion.

@sloughfegkillers What is the coolest place that you've gotten to go while doing your job? Also, have you has any scary moments at sea?

@HamburgerBoy What does your username mean? If it's a reference to something, I don't know what.
@Omni I think it would have to have been Sri Lanka because it's somewhere that I'd probably never have gone to otherwise. We had a good look around there for a week and I guess you could say that it's a third world country? It's kind of a crazy place, people just going all over the road in those little tuk tuks while somehow not killing themselves, I also found the poverty quite confronting.
Apart from that I used to work on one ship that carried bauxite( a raw mineral that gets refined into aluminium) to Gladstone(North Queensland) from Weipa (Far North Queensland). That was far too hot for me, one time I almost had to go to hospital from cramping up, but it was so awesome because we had to steam through the Great Barrier Reef to get there. Pretty much every time you walked out on deck there were different small islands that you'd never seen before. That was great because every night as a watch keeper I was required to stand on the bridge wing and report any lights to the officer of the watch, be they channel markers or lights for small fishing vessels or other large ships. Also on that run once we got near Cairns we went very close to shore and it was always great to see the mountains of The Daintree National Park, which I'm pretty sure is the only place in the world where the rainforest meets the ocean. Scientists are always discovering new species there and seeing it from the ship I always thought of Jurassic Park it looked incredible.
As for scary moments, I haven't had any to speak of really because I've only been at sea for a few years now. Although one of the ships I was on for a year or so was a really cheaply made Chinese ice breaker that was here for a short time,things were always breaking on it and for a few days we were adrift somewhere off the west coast of Australia. It turned out to be a sensor on the main engine and one of the engineers fixed it with a bit of string.
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