Way off topic, for the guys here.

Posted by Macy
I do think you seem pretty smart for your age, and you also at times say things that don't seem to come from a 13-year-old. Whassup wit dat?

And there is no offence in my curiosity, I think...

Awww well, i guess I shouldn't be offended at all. that was a good comment in fact.
Yngvai X said:
btw you guys are aware that the reason these 40 and 50+ hollywood women are still attractive is because of large amounts of makeup and plastic suguery right? :rolleyes:

I think it's safe to say that yes, we are all aware that these women only look young because they have tons of money to spend on plastic surgery. But so what? Would you refuse to drive an old Mustang or Corvette if you found out it was completely renovated from a junker? I think not. So if these women can keep themselves looking young by having surgery, more power to them!
ok, see? This is what i was talking about earlier. Keep the shit about porn out of the symX message board. I personally don't want to see it degenerate into what many other boards have become.
Umm with the 50+ers.. sure their faces get fixed with plastic surgery, but what about the parts that ..eep..dont.. :| i cant even begin to imagine what some oldies look like under the clothes. And i think heather has to be at the MOST like 40-42. Even i'd hit her..