The "Random Bullshit" Thread

It's not facebook as much as it is the people on facebook. I have a ton of people that I don't know wanting to be my facebook buddies just so I can closely follow their achievements on such useless games like FarmVille. I tried tracking down some good old buddies on facebook and I did find them. They're boring people now . . . I didn't even add them.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
German pagan metallers Equilibrium have parted ways with vocalist Helge Stang and drummer Manuel Di Camillo. This has been reported by the organizers of Winterfire Festival at which Equilibrium were supposed to perfom next weekend (13th February 2010). So far the band itself has only published the following statement on its official Myspace site:

"We regret to inform you that we have to cancel our appearance at Winterfire Festival due to serious restructuring within the band. We regret this deeply and hope for your understanding. Of course we will inform you as soon as possible about the future of Equilibrium."

NO that probably means they won't play at Paganfest!
well the Paganfest shows are still on their myspace, and this news hasn't been confirmed officially.

I find the "source" of this all a bit fishy, as a matter of fact. It has been bugging me since yesterday, though...
Either way, worry not about it. Other than me, everyone is replaceable! :cool:

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan


ps - in case you're wondering, yes, confidence tests greatly fear me :)
By their guitarist

Hallo Leute,

keine Sorge, wir haben uns nicht aufgelöst! Hier unser offizielles Statement:

Equilibrium trennen sich von Sänger und Drummer

Leider müssen wir Euch mitteilen, dass Helge, Manu und Equilibrium
aus persönlichen Gründen getrennte Wege gehen werden.
Wir sind im Guten auseinandergegangen und wünschen ihnen
alles Gute für ihre Zukunft. Wir hatten wirklich tolle Momente mit ihnen auf der Bühne!
Dies hat allerdings keinerlei Auswirkungen auf die Musik von Equilibrium.
Die Songs werden auch weiterhin wie eh und je von René Berthiaume komponiert.
Momentan befinden wir uns in den Helion Studios in München und sind
dabei unser drittes Album aufzunehmen, welches im Juni erscheinen wird.
Und wir können Euch schon jetzt verraten, dass in diesem Album jede Menge Bombast,
Härte, Epik, Emotionen, merkwürdige musikalische Überraschungen und vieles mehr stecken wird!
Alle angekündigten Konzerte werden stattfinden! (Mit Ausnahme des Winterfire-Festivals)
Sobald es Neuigkeiten über neue Mitglieder von Equilibrium zu verkünden gibt, werden
wir Euch darüber natürlich gleich informieren!
yeah that's true. But still it sucks. A vocalist can't be traded in without the band's sound at least changing a bit, a voice is always very personal. And the drummer was just really awesome.

Also, Jesper left In Flames today. So, despite not being a big fan of their latest CD, I still like their older stuff and think this really really sucks. Thank [insert random deity] I saw them live 2x with Jesper.
I know i saw that on TV, shocking to see him hit a pole with 140 km/h!

Cari you're sober again? Carnaval yesterday was great, i was wasted (to bad on Heineken :() but still, had a great evening!
yeah, kinda scary...and I mean, they never wanted the track to be this fast when it´s been build...seriously, such stuff just pisses me off...

hahaha, Dennis, I was already sober yesterday again, since I was at a gig and driving, even though I got offered so much alcohol I would´ve been drunk again if I drank it all XD