The releasedate..


Jan 6, 2004
Is it june the 3rd or is it still somewhat uncertain? Haven't seen any official confirmation on, so...
if it was already mixed and everything a few months ago, why does it take so long!?!
I heard something about artwork or something.

But really, I'd be happy with a blank looking CD!
I had an awesome dream the other night my mate rang me up and told me that the date was moved to mid April. If we were all living in my subconscious only a month to go haha.
if it was already mixed and everything a few months ago, why does it take so long!?!
I heard something about artwork or something.

But really, I'd be happy with a blank looking CD!

It is frustrating, but I think we have to remember that finishing the album/artwork is just the start from a record companies point of view. They have to make sure that the release date ties in well with press, gigs, etc. Also, they have to ensure that it doesn't clash with other RR releases or they get stretched on the promotion I'd guess..It's annoying for fans because this all sounds like "business", but...that's what it is!!!. If it wasn't done professionaly in a buisness like manner, there would be no album!