The Review You've All Waited For?


Nov 7, 2002
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Its that time again. Always willing to give Saxon a chance. I spent the obligatory tenner today.

Now forgive me, have I got a duffer here? No albumn, since Tanks eponymous albumn, has had me reaching for the graphic equaliser as much. If this is genuine, the production is dire. I've played it on 3 cd players with no joy and now on the iPod with Electronic(!) setting on the EQ. Vocals are really tinny, guitars weak as piss and all drounded out by the hi hat. Reminds me of the time my brother recorded a Gillan concert off the tele with a dictaphone. As we all know the modern concert hall is the car, where I listen to most music, and its virtually unlistenable in there ( 6 speaker system).

Compare Unleash the Beast. Really crisp and clear. Hmm.

1.State of Grace. Never a big fan of Gregorian chant, specially half way through. Plinks along. A dire opener. Skip to the next track. 0/10

2. Need for Speed. Ok riffs and speed ,weak bridge, guitar solos dont match. I wish Biff would pack in the vocal harmonies. 5/10

3. Power. Er, quite a powerful song. Its great until 1.47min into the track when it slows down and gets very lost . Should be a nice fast guitar solo there. 7/10

4. Red Star Falling (asleep). Zzzz.Very much like Sea of Life and I never liked that. Press the skip. 0/10

5. Got to Rock. Great simple riff, great base, shouting non harmony vocals, great solo. A corking track. Why the fuck cant Saxon do this more often? A solid track unfortunately spoilt by the baked bean tin production. 10/10 if I produced this!

6. If I Were You. ( I'd sack the producer). Nothing like Bon Jovi. Good song, but Planet Rock still wont play it. 7/10

7. Nowhere Fast. Another full off good riffs and bass. Good vocals. Slightly weak solo. 8/10.

8. Ashes. Bit slow, up and down. Peculiar chorus, bizarre (non Gregorian) chanting. Could grow on me . 5/10

10. Atilla. Great start but then goes anyhow. Up and down, loses the plot and gets too long. Goes array at 1.52 with the poncy vocals and fucking harmony! Lost again at 2.50 with more chanting? Great opening riff spoilt by some weak bridges and general faffing. 4-5/10

11. Single Version. Why? I like the gun at the start, then fuck me! the producer did record this one with a dictaphone. Dire production.

An OK albumn, better offering the Lionheart which IMHO was and is awful. Howvever I reckon I'll listen to this very rarely as the sound is truely awful. Elements of classic Saxon but some awful stuff too. And I feel this has been Saxons problem in that they do too much stuff. Cull the last 3 albumns and you'd get one Killer albumn. But then I dont have the school fees to pay.
that is surely the review we all waited for :rock:

as well as the review for the lionheart album - was great also :kickass:

objective, impartial and significant :notworthy

Sorry but I cant agree with any of you guys, the albumn is shite
Just been listening to it in the car again and almost chucked it out of the window.

my answer:


Thanks for the review Graham!

smells like mickey mouse or what ? :lol:

seems to be a very nice guy :
i think one of the beauties about saxon is that on every album as in concert there is something to take away that really gets the old motor running and this album is no different
thanks for the review greggor
i think your review was honest succinct and to the point, even though i dont agree with your views its always good to read someones elses opinions , its nice to hear that someone has the balls to say what they think and then go on to back it up with some technical knowledge
when i listen to saxon i like certain aspects at certain times and in certain situations and this album has a bit of everything for everybody
as for cull the last 3 albums to make one good one... i could cull the last 3 albums and make 3 good albums one which would be dark and broody, one which is fast paced and rocky and one which is slow tempo and meaningful
but perhaps that could be another thread
oh and by the way perhaps the guitars are "piss poor weak " and the album " suffering from weak bridges and stunted guitar solos " because doug and paul know there guitars wont be heard in concert because of the foh sound engineer ala sheffield 2007....... just a thourght
oh as for my opinions ... i think the albums another cracker
OK, ignoring my comments on whether tracks are good or bad.

Is it just me who is having problem with the sound quality and what I would say is "production". Listening back to back to Wych General and Got to Rock at the moment. The sound quality is really bad on the latter and really good on the "Lionheart" track.

Or am I again swimming the wrong way?

Honestly in the car its unbearable, Biff is lisping and in a tin bath? Has me reaching for the Dolby Noise Reduction button.
im sorry but the production on lionheart and inner sanctum are fucking amazing, charlie baurfeind is the best producer ever. Crystal clear, powerful as hell.

How often do you get the pleasure of hearing such a good job
I guess when you look forward to something so much, your expectations are raised to an impossible degree. It's understandable that some people will be dissapointed.

I've put the album on my MP3 player and it sounds fine, very happy with it far.