The Serpent's Kiss


Vocal Prince
Jun 18, 2007
Does TSK seem off to anyone else? Doesn't sound like S-X to me for some reason. Don't get me wrong, it's good...just doesn't seem like a "grand" song that you would introduce people to the band with. Those are the one's that rape :lol:
Does TSK seem off to anyone else? Doesn't sound like S-X to me for some reason. Don't get me wrong, it's good...just doesn't seem like a "grand" song that you would introduce people to the band with. Those are the one's that rape :lol:

What do you mean by "off"? Always remember that Sy-X ARE a METAL band.
I believe MJR has even said that... I wouldn't use, for example, The Odyssey (the song) to introduce people to Sy-X. I guess it depends on the person. I got into Sy-X because of the outrageous guitar playing. I worked with a classically trained French Horn player, who played with a couple of symphony orchestras. He asked me for something loud and hard to listen to one day, and he fell in love with song The Odyssey, and became a fan of theirs strictly based on MJR's compositional skills. I'm seiously having a hard time finding ANY fault with the new cd. If I found one, you can be assured that I would say something about it, fanboi or not......
Everyone has valid points. But after listening to it again, it still seems like it doesn't fit the mold. It has nothing to do with the "classicalness" or the lackthereof in the song either. I can't really pinpoint it. I can just safely say it holds nothing to TWoB. I had goosebumps from head to toe when hearing that one.

I'll always say, when I am to introduce someone to S-X, it will have to be with Eyes of Medusa or, from now on till the end of time, TWo'fckn B


I wanna hear some more opinions about it all before I go on. :p
I think 'TSK' is the weakest of the songs. It's groove isn't really creative or grand or anything.
I think 'TSK' is the weakest of the songs. It's groove isn't really creative or grand or anything.

Ditto. I dunno, when I heard the title track, PL, I got teary-eyed because that song is so damn epic. Even Domination being a heavy, powerhouse song, it has some sort of Grandiose about it. TSK just seems to me like the filler song, if there was one to be named.

What sucks is it seems to be one of the few they play on tour from the new album. I would kill to see them perform PL live...:worship:
TSK is totally badass. The riffs make me want to punch my friends, and I wept when I heard the "for I will set you free~~~~" harmony.