I'd pay Marty more to play a guitar too. Dave's good and he's got high exposure when on tour but I'd reckon Marty is worth more as a brand ambassador.
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The problem is Dave still gets advertising value out of Marty because stupid sites like Blabber keep referring to him as ex-Megadeth Marty.
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They just don't look right.

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To be fair that is a give away so it may not be one he plays, but you're right we've never seen him play that sort of guitar.

Here's a new video from Menza Nation. It's the same show as the Peace Sells video you posted the other day. Given the shirts on and shirts off videos it seems to suggest the entire show is out there waiting to be published.

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Haha yeah I agree.
At the time Megadeth were untouchable, they were at a height no other bands could touch and a very large reason for that was Nick and Marty.

I assume the doco is going to be released to DVD as well as the cinema.
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I see Blubber has a story today with Jnr about the failed reunion in 2016. Good too see they've changed topics and aren't talking about Jnr being an employee but shit even talk about the reunion is old and boring now.
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Yeah it seems Jnr and Dave remember it differently to Marty and Nick. The one thing that does seem to come up from each party though is that Marty wouldn't take a pay cut, and fair enough too.
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From what I read Nick was the one pushing hard, but he was also the middle man and everything Nick did to talk Marty in it was undone when Dave decided Marty shouldn't have included his accountant or lawyer.
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I'm sure the money was there (and Nick's breakdown of a Megadeth gig pretty much proves that) but like people keep saying it's Dave's band and Dave's rules.
I'm in two minds about Marty bringing his lawyer (or whoever) to the dinner, I understand he wanted to make sure his butt was contractually protected but at the same time I understand that it was suppose to be a friendly dinner with 4 mates. What I don't understand is why it had to be made such a deal of. To me it sounds a bit like Marty and Dave were not ready to share a stage no matter who wanted it to happen.
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