The Shrimpdance - PodX3, S2.0, Engl v30 impulses


Jan 4, 2008
Hi guys

Here's a new attemp making a mix that is listenable..
I'm a little unsure about the low-end, because I only have access to a set of headphones.. :zombie:

The intro is a little 90's dance inspired maybe, and the rest is just weird :p

Impulses are Engl V30 - higher presence.. or something :p

I could use a little input on where to put the extreme changes to make this balanced/listenable.. or something like that.. :p

Rekedansen aka The shrimpdance

- John
Dude I've really enjoyed Blueberry Dackery, and this goes right along with it. If there's anything missing it's the sub-bass that could be brought up just tiny bit, but the bass as whole fits well in the mix. I'd even venture to say you're probably closer to a better mix without it than putting to much in. But that's just me and personal taste. I wouldn't touch anything else at all, I'm really loving this melody!
Dude I've really enjoyed Blueberry Dackery, and this goes right along with it. If there's anything missing it's the sub-bass that could be brought up just tiny bit, but the bass as whole fits well in the mix. I'd even venture to say you're probably closer to a better mix without it than putting to much in. But that's just me and personal taste. I wouldn't touch anything else at all, I'm really loving this melody!

Thanks ;)
I'm surprised that you remembered the Blueberry dackery :p
Dude I've really enjoyed Blueberry Dackery, and this goes right along with it. If there's anything missing it's the sub-bass that could be brought up just tiny bit, but the bass as whole fits well in the mix. I'd even venture to say you're probably closer to a better mix without it than putting to much in. But that's just me and personal taste. I wouldn't touch anything else at all, I'm really loving this melody!

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