The Sound Of Truth [DI's Inside]

Probably still uploading. Patience.

I don't know... It sounds like you were trying too hard to make it loud. :ill: Don't get me wrong, things seem to sit nicely, but it's pumping a lot.

12 mins left [slooooww internet here srry!]

And you'r right, i pushed it way a lot on that master bus!
In Fact when i started it out, i wanted to try a more
'live' vibe on the drums and mix overall!
Even humanized as i could those midi hits and velocities
if you take a little look at them you'll notice, did it pretty fast though
I'll recheck with fresh ears tomorrow :headbang:
First attempt, my low toms might be too wide (among other things- snare may be to loud also) but i'll tweak this more tomorrow when I have some time. Think I did ok on the guitars considering the DI's were kind of bassy. Also, some of the cymbals may not have come through due to the midi being made on another drum vsti than I have (although I did my best to convert them over). Great fuckin song though, if there are ever vox put on it I must hear it.:headbang: Sound Of Truth.mp3
You can hear it with vox over it, because its only a cover.
The actuall band is called As I Lay Dying. :p
Nice cover, though!
thanks shredder10! could someone please post a drum-mixdown for the non-midi-drum-guys? ;)

For friend sneapster I'll help
Applied my own preset on Superior drummer and exported multi-out tracks - kick, snare, hi-hat, toms, cymbals, room and snare reverb.
Download HERE

EDIT: I'm thinking about doing vocal for this. When I will be done on two songs of my Cyber-punk type song vocal recordng.
First attempt, my low toms might be too wide (among other things- snare may be to loud also) but i'll tweak this more tomorrow when I have some time. Think I did ok on the guitars considering the DI's were kind of bassy. Also, some of the cymbals may not have come through due to the midi being made on another drum vsti than I have (although I did my best to convert them over). Great fuckin song though, if there are ever vox put on it I must hear it.:headbang: Sound Of Truth.mp3

:lol: LOL @ the solo on the beginning x'D
Haha told you guys, I've never heard this song before. I was actually thinking "hmmm that's a weird place to put a solo..." lol


It sounds like a weird ultra progressive stoner stuff lol
hola :rofl:!!
me siguen gustando tus drums, naturales
pero esta vez ese redoblante está un poquitin alto :O
El sonido en general esta bastante bien! :D

Hola!! Me alegro que te guste, igual si, me pase jajaja, es que me gusta altita, PAK PAK!! jaja. A ver esta update con menos reverb en caja.

Update with less reverb in the snare: Sound Of...1.mp3

Previous: Sound Of Thruth - 2.mp3

Which Better?