The Sports Thread

Even Socrates wrestled, broheim.

i used to play baseball and box and even skateboard and do martial arts... i just lost all interest in sports along the way and wanted to hear what kept people interested in it... i would like to do martial arts again but lack the proper funding...
I don't even think the Boys are that good, and I'm from here. I think they'll fall apart in the playoffs.

I disagree. I think they are still the best team in the NFC. GB is just too unreliable for me to think they are that good. And the Lions...well they have alot to prove. I'd like to see them do good. I personally think the two best teams in the NFC are the Saints and Cowboys. I think that's going to be your NFC Championship game this year. As far as the AFC, it's pretty obvious to me. Colts and Pats, I just hope that the Pats lose one more game than the Colts so we seed higher and play at home.
Don't be overconfident. Not that you live in reality or will ever concede anything. You would just make up some exscuse or reason why it happened.

Sometimes you seem reasonable, but you always end up proving that notion false.

I'm not overconfident, however the Chargers are nothing like they were last year, and depending on whether some of our starters are healthy, I don't expect the Chargers to win. They're defense has shown a big weakness and the Colts running backs are pretty good. I'll be the first to admit that any team can win any week, so I'm not going to say we're going to blow the Chargers out. They're deadly in their own right, but they're defense is just lacking this year, and I think Rivers is a horrible QB.

I don't come here running my mouth about how the Colts are gods and everyone is screwed when they play them. The only team I like to talk shit about is the Patriots, because I hate them. Anyone else I have respect for, except the Ravens.

edit: and da bearsssss
Saying Belichick is a better coach than Dungy pretty much just nullified everything you just said. Dungy is easily the best coach in the league, AND DOESNT HAVE TO FUCKING CHEAT TO WIN.

Also, Stallworth really hasn't done shit for the Patriots except a couple touchdown runs, totally not worth the hype at all. So if you really want to compare talent from each team, it would look something like this:

Welker (he's first because he is easily their best receiver) and Moss vs. Harrison, Wayne, Clark, Addai, Gonzalez

well i dont want to get into a pissing match - but i just checked this thread after a few days off and of course i have to address this.

BB is a better coach than Dungy. this is something that every nfl analyst/expert agrees with. this realization comes with separating personal feelings and logical reasoning. you may not like him, but he is the best in the league and no, he doesnt cheat. the team got coaught doing something that every single team in the nfl does. plus, since that whole incident, what have they done? they've beaten teams WORSE than when they were supposedly "cheating." theyre pounding teams into dust and rightfully so. im sure youre upset your team lost because i would be upset if the pats had lost, but if you use your head and think logically, you realize that no one is cheating and the pats simply are a better team. end of story. and randy moss is soooo much better skill wise than harrison. the difference here is that moss has a horrible attitude and horrible work ethic and he decides to pout like baby if his team sucks. harrison has tons of ability and heart, but sheer ability moss absolutely owns him. his hands are simply magnets for that damned football.

i actually feel really good about the game yesterday. i mean, the patriots went into hostile territory on the road, played their worst team football theyve played all season, had brady throw two interceptions, got penalized 150 yards, only scored 24 points, and beat the defending undefeated superbowl champions after being down 20-10 with 9 mins left in the 4th quarter.

it was a great game though, on both sides and i cant wait for round two in the afcc.
I'm not overconfident, however the Chargers are nothing like they were last year, and depending on whether some of our starters are healthy, I don't expect the Chargers to win. They're defense has shown a big weakness and the Colts running backs are pretty good. I'll be the first to admit that any team can win any week, so I'm not going to say we're going to blow the Chargers out. They're deadly in their own right, but they're defense is just lacking this year, and I think Rivers is a horrible QB.

I don't come here running my mouth about how the Colts are gods and everyone is screwed when they play them. The only team I like to talk shit about is the Patriots, because I hate them. Anyone else I have respect for, except the Ravens.

edit: and da bearsssss

ah i agree with you here. i live in san diego - this city is in the dumps this season becasue of the chargers. the problem with the chargers is, well, theyre not a very good team. philip rivers is NOT a good quarterback. tomlinson is great but clearly something is wrong this year....not sure what his deal is.

i cant see the chargers giving the colts any trouble (but it'd be great if they did because the colts would be demoralized losing two in a row). the colts will be pissed and probably play with a lot of intensity. i dont think anyone should be afraid of the chargers this year.
Another reason why the Chargers arent a great football team is because of Norv Turner. I know the owner and Marty had their differences but canning him after a 14-2 season and disrupting the chemistry of the entire organization was a dumb move.
BB is a better coach than Dungy.


this is something that every nfl analyst/expert agrees with.

:lol: Come on man, I seriously hope you don't rely on "nfl analyst and experts" for all of your judgement calls and personal opinions. That's just sad.

this realization comes with separating personal feelings and logical reasoning. you may not like him, but he is the best in the league and no, he doesnt cheat.

He was caught cheating, thus making him a cheater.

the team got coaught doing something that every single team in the nfl does.

Tired and weak argument. Can you prove every single team in the NFL does this?

plus, since that whole incident, what have they done? they've beaten teams WORSE than when they were supposedly "cheating." theyre pounding teams into dust and rightfully so.

So why cheat in the first place if you can straight up kick their ass? All it does is make BB look like a bigger asshole and justify alot of peoples hated for him. And what the fuck is rightfully so about a team CAUGHT for cheating, and beating teams really bad? You think it's ok for the Patriots to use that bullshit "it's us against teh world!" mentality just to make themselves feel better? If so that's bullshit.

im sure youre upset your team lost because i would be upset if the pats had lost, but if you use your head and think logically, you realize that no one is cheating and the pats simply are a better team. end of story.

Upset? Nah, a little disappointed because the Colts had the game in the bag. The Colts had too many injured starts that came back to bite us in the ass, the biggest one being Tony Ugoh. So if I were a betting man, I'd still put my money on the Colts with a healthy roster, in a very convincing win over the Patriots. So we'll see in January when it actually matters.

and randy moss is soooo much better skill wise than harrison. the difference here is that moss has a horrible attitude and horrible work ethic and he decides to pout like baby if his team sucks. harrison has tons of ability and heart, but sheer ability moss absolutely owns him. his hands are simply magnets for that damned football.

Which would explain the 3 dropped passes right? How many times do you ever see Harrison drop a pass that he gets his hands on? Point is, who would you rather have on your team? A quiet guy who doesn't expect alot of publicity who works his ass off day in and out and possesses all of the physically qualities that you need out of a receiver, or some lazy crybaby who is chasing a ring that you aren't even certain will be on the team next year? Yeah, I'm going with a sure thing.