The Sports Thread

Well, from this game I have learned the following things:

- The refs obviously want the Pats to win.
- The Pats are a fucking dirty team who don't deserve to win.
- Bryant Gumble and Collinsworth are both incompetent pieces of shit that have no fucking clue what they are talking about.
- Roger Godell is completely full of shit.
- The NFL Network fucking sucks.
- Eli Manning is good.
- The Patriots are not even close to being invincible and will lose in the playoffs and maybe tonight.

If I need to explain any of this you are a fucking moron.
So far my compliments to the Giants for taking this game seriously and catching the Pats off guard, at least for a couple plays that turned out big for them. But we see the negatives of playing hard in a meaningless game, what with their center being injured.

The Pats better wake up if they care about keeping the record, and their reputation for that matter. It looks like the running game is improving against a weakening Giants primary, and combined with Brady's consistent short passes the Pats offense should be strong in the second half. However we need more big pass plays if we expect to make multiple trips to the end zone.

And if all else fails, the Giants are infamous for shooting themselves in the foot, especially when it counts.
yea, the game is over. i cant believe they lost it in the last game of the fucking season! i would have rather lost to the fucking colts or at least a powerhouse team instead of some mediocre club like the giants. what a fucking disappointment.

oh well now maybe theyll fucking wake up and realize theyre not infallible
yea, the game is over. i cant believe they lost it in the last game of the fucking season! i would have rather lost to the fucking colts or at least a powerhouse team instead of some mediocre club like the giants. what a fucking disappointment.

oh well now maybe theyll fucking wake up and realize theyre not infallible

Where's your confidence? Remember, these are the Giants we're playing. They're bound to fuck themselves over.

giants won? FUCKIN RIGHT!!!!

Hold your tongue till it's over, buddy.
Where are you getting this "the Giants are notorious for shooting themselves in the foot" business"? Because they've had poor performances down the stretch since Manning's been here? They're not any more prone to fucking themselves over than any other team.
hahaha they fuckin did it. i love this team. long bomb - dropped pass by moss. next play what do they do? same fuckin thing!! haha! unbelievable. congrats to moss and brady - what an unfuckingbelievable season for both of them, the best in the league at their respective positions by far. fucking awesome. they can lose the game now and i dont care. hahah
If this is about Spygate, note that the issue was taken care of right after the first game of the season (which was against a team we'd beat anyways) and we were clean (if ever we were dirty) for the rest of the season in which we went undefeated, fair and square.

I still believe a more suitable punishment would have been to forfeit that game to the Jets rather than fine the coach some money.

Overall, I did not like watching this game. It was embarrassing. But, the Pats cleaned up in the clutch and never looked back. Let this game serve as a lesson for the playoffs, not to let our guard down, especially now that we have something more important to play for than just records: a championship.

Giants gave a good effort but faded in the stretch, as I anticipated all along. And this is what makes the Patriots a winning team, the fact that they can play to their full potential in any part of the ballgame, especially under pressure.

As for the bullshit calls, the Giants have always been bad at minimizing their penalties, and tonight is just another instance of that, biting them in the ass as usual. Tampa Bay will defeat them.