The Sports Thread

Well, the NFL commissioner is still working on it. He hasn't made his statement on what the exact penalty for the infraction will be. However, this isn't a one or two time thing. People have known for years the Patriots were doing this. Bill Polian, the Colts GM, banned any and all cameras that didn't belong to CBS who was broadcasting the AFC Championship game last season because of this very reason. I'm sure the commish is going to look at as much evidence and dig as deep as he can. I believe the penalty will be hefty, not just a loss of one or two draft picks.

Being the asshole I am, I hope the commissioner changes the game to a loss for the Patriots along with putting them on watch by league officials, loss of a couple draft picks, and depending on how long this really has been going on, a few fines here and there. This situation imo makes the Mike Vick situation look like nothing. It's one thing for someone to do something illegal and lie about something outside of the field, but to CHEAT and be caught, lie and dismiss the allegations, and assume you are above the rules and can do whatever you want, would hopefully make the commissioner feel insulted.

How can anyone look back at any of the Super Bowls NE has won the last 6 years? I mean, look back at the '03/'04 playoff games between NE and Indy. Indy was the best team in the league both of those years, and they were blown out of the fucking water by NE. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not using this situation as a scapegoat, but it surely gets you thinking doesn't it?
Yes, that could be one logically explaination. Another could be, that NE cheated their balls off. But who knows? In the end, this pretty much shredded any tiny bit of respect I held for the Patriots up until now. They can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned.

And as far as that whole Manning vs. Brady debate, there's not argument now.
This makes all of NE's success over the years questionable. I think they should forfeit the game and lose a few top picks. Goodell has cracked down in other areas; I hope he doesn't wuss out here.

I agree.

i was pretty surprised that this story with the Pats is true. i doubt the league will give them a huge penalty because of the boner they have for Brady and Belichick. i say the make the pats give up a 4th round pick. i'm not sure how much the stealing of signs helped them on sunday because i felt the game was over with the opening kickoff of the 2nd half, man that was fucking brutal to watch. this could end up being a huge scandal if there is evidence that the Pats have been doing this for years. did this help them beat the Rams in 2001?

I'm sure it helped them more so than you would think in that game. But regardless of that, doing it in the first place, and being infamous for doing it is bad enough. I mean, how hard would it be to complete a pass or score a TD when you know exactly what the defense you are going up against is going to look like, where the strength and weaknesses are, knowing when you are going to be blitzed etc. 4th round pick? That's it? I certainly hope Goddell doesn't allow that weak of a punishment. According to the NFL's website, there's all kinds of evidence and information pouring in and probably will be for a long time. So we'll see.
Brady seriously has to be one of the most overrated athletes ever. People talk about him as if he's a top five all-time QB. Not a chance. He never gets touched back there. Winning Super Bowls is overrated. This isn't the NBA where one player can take you all the way. Those Pats teams were pretty stacked on D and special teams. With a bum kicker, Brady is Marc Bulger.
I heard Colin Cowherd this morning talking about this whole thing and slamming Bill Belichick and comparing him to Barry Bonds. It was pretty funny. I never really knew much about Belichick, but it sounds like he's a big jerk, from what Cowherd was saying.

Why I dislike talk radio
They should be docked a chance to go to the post season this year.

yes. i have lost all respect for them if this is true. i fucking HATE brady already. now, as long as im sitting, all these NFL/ESPN fags who wank off in thier sleep to the dynasty can line up on thier knees right now. they need to be punished severely. i have honestly never heard of CHEATING in a football game.