The Superior 2.0 Thread

I like Superior 2 quite a bit more than the first one. Its much easier to get natural sounding drums out of it - works a lot better for the kind of stuff I write. I have a demo I'll upload tonight. The best addition is being able to save & load presets right in the program - just using that, I was able to get a nice kick that slaps and is fat (thanks to having three mics on it instead of just one), a wicked snare, a great hat and cymbal sound right out of the box.
The biggest omissions would be with the cymbals for sure though - no crash rides!!
One simple question:
How high do you keep your velocities? I mean, I always thought of 127 beeing the absolute maximum. I mean, 5 127-hits on the snare and BAM - new skin please.
So I programmed with a max of 120 (spikes into the 125-127 region).

In S2.0 it seems that I need to change every single hit to 127 to get the crack out of the snare-sound.

I mean, not that I could break anything - I just wonder if there is something wrong with my snare treatment or if it's normal in DFHS2.

There must be somekind of midi compressor or a velocity curve included in S2.0?

I play V-drums and i'm thinking about buying S2.0. I setup my kit so only the hardest shot that i can do hit velocity 127. So if you get the crack only at 127, i'll need some sort of midi compressor or midi velocity curve to boost so i get the crack at velocity let say 115.... I don't want to use cubase midi compressor since it apply to the whole midi signal, it means to all drums and cymbals... So i need to control the velocity response on each drum piece.
Is there such a thing included in the superior2 ?
I play V-drums and i'm thinking about buying S2.0. I setup my kit so only the hardest shot that i can do hit velocity 127. So if you get the crack only at 127, i'll need some sort of midi compressor or midi velocity curve to boost so i get the crack at velocity let say 115.... I don't want to use cubase midi compressor since it apply to the whole midi signal, it means to all drums and cymbals... So i need to control the velocity response on each drum piece.
Is there such a thing included in the superior2 ?

You can configure a LOW, HIGH and a LIMIT velocity in Superior 2.0. It's on the right side of the master-fader. Maybe that's what you need.
Set the HIGH-velocity to 115 and keep the LIMIT-velocity to 127.

Please let me know, if that helps. In a few weeks my drummer and I want to try out a V-Drum-Set to "record" a few demo-tracks.
One simple question:
How high do you keep your velocities? I mean, I always thought of 127 beeing the absolute maximum. I mean, 5 127-hits on the snare and BAM - new skin please.
So I programmed with a max of 120 (spikes into the 125-127 region).

In S2.0 it seems that I need to change every single hit to 127 to get the crack out of the snare-sound.

I mean, not that I could break anything - I just wonder if there is something wrong with my snare treatment or if it's normal in DFHS2.

I usually keep all single snare hits and toms at 127, unless it's for a mellow part or something. For fills i'll take the snares down to around 110, or around 80 for rolls. I rarely have the toms go under 110.