The Symphony X Chat

im new to this whole forum thing so bare with me. i think the chat room sounds pretty cool. but truthfully im having a bit of trouble getting into it. im a bit computer retarted if you know what i mean :) so as soon as i figure this damn thing out, im sure i'll be there all the time chatting it up with ya'll!!
This one guy in my photography class mentioned MIRC was the filth of the internet... I guess he doesn't find child pornography to be filth then? What an asshole. Of course, I jumped to the defense of MIRC because that's what I use to log on to #teof. (Thanks, Amanda for helping me set that up!)

By the way, welcome to the UM forum, Wicked34.
Demonspell said:
Hello Aki...I was unaware such a channel existed. I'll definitely try to stop by, and there should be regularly scheduled chats to attract visitors...

Dude, you still didn't make it there! Heheh it has been some 9 months after you said you would try to stop by :)

So, do we have any new (or old) forumers out there who haven't checked out the chat yet?
If you use Mozilla, check out the Chatzilla extension, it's a pretty decent irc client type of thing, much more tolerable than javachat..