The Symphony X Chat

I think I've been spending too much time there... I mean, it's already pass my bedtime, but there I am talking to all these nice ppl and embarrasing myself once again :p
Ah it wasn't as quiet during the xmas time than I thought it would be.. So good job the ones who were there.

New faces are still welcome to check it out, I think most of the ones who have done that have enjoyed it :)
urinalcakemix said:
Indeed - We should set some time where we all meet in there.. New Year's Eve anyone?
I'm rather sure I won't be there on New Year's Eve since partying at a friend's place then and I don't think he currently has a computer.. but New Year's Day for sure, might have a bit of a hangover then = lots of sitting on the computer :)
The Metal Chick said:
Heh, if i don't end up doing anything New Years Eve, I'll be there for sure. We could hold our own #teof countdown! :grin: But even if I do party, I won't be hungover the next day like everyone else ;) :hypno:
It's a miracle, I don't really have a hangover ;) lots of folks around in the channel last night, that was very cool to see!
Btw! for those who speak SPANISH you can come to the channel #tio in the same network You are all Welcome ;)

Para todos aquellos que hablan lengua spanola estan bienvenidos al canal oficial en espanol #tio (
se recomienda que usen el programa mIRC (
o tambien desde el mismo javaapplet escriban /join #tio
Bueno saludos a todos! y espero que alguno pase por alli, yo soy el que administra ese canal por cierto

Greetings!! and come to #teof & #tio ! to hang out :D
Nice.. quite a few of chat regulars now. Having the saved forum on the chat channel topic seems to have brought some new people on the forum too, so it seems to work vice versa too with the chat and the forum joining :)
Come chat. For all the geeks in the house, we've been talking about geeky stuff like Linux, website design, and,,,,wait, I'm not supposed to say those words :loco: Come chat it up, and worship the band with us :worship: :Spam: