The Tea Party....recommendations??


and I looked up her skirt
May 26, 2001
Nashville, Tn.
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Sorry to start another not so important thread....but with all this talk I have to check them out. What should I start with? By the way some of my favorite bands are Katatonia, Anathema, Novembre, Opeth, Jeff Buckley, Dead Can Dance, Red House Painters....etc..etc..
Originally posted by leadfoot256

Indeed:) If you haven't, check out Lisa Gerrard (spelling?) and Brendan Perry's solo albums. They are both really good.

I'll definitely do that, thanks for the heads-up!
I am glad someone asked because I have been meaning to check these guys out for a while now. I remember hearing "The Messenger" a while back and really liking it. So, I just bought "Splendor Solis" and "The Edges of Twilight" from eBay. I was going to get some of the others, but I figured I will get them later. I want to take in the first two and give them equal listens. If I like them a lot, which I am sure I will, I will get some of the others from The End while they are still in stock.
The Tea Party are truly amazing...

Songs to check out:

The River
Fire in the head
Walk with me
Halcyon days
The Bazaar
Sister awake...
I actually liked the Tea Party at one point, but that point is, I'm happy to say, far behind me.

A bit of advice for the Tea Party fans out there (if any are here), don't go seem them live. I won't go into details, but let me just say our friend there has a tad of problem communicating his modesty and appreciation for his audience and you'll most likely end up thinking he's a twit. I saw them once and he was such a complete ass that we left. It was disturbing actually. On top of this, one of the roadies rounded up a few 13 and 14 year old girls and placed them in this certain section behind some rails near the sound gear. The girls didn't know each other and were separated from their friends. I assumed one of them were going to fuck them or something, which is technically illegal btw. Pretty sad.

This is actually quite funny. I know a girl who knows a guy who owns a bike shop and Jeff Martin goes there to get shit for his bikes. The don't like him cuz he's just such a blatant ego-maniac, they call him "rock star" and overcharge him for his crap, hehe.

Aren't I the cynical bastard? heheh ;)

Holy crap! I can see people liking TP in the past, but fuck, haven't they gone completely top 40 now? Their last 2 albums had some of the worst "hits" I've ever heard, I can't recall what they are now but there's something in the lyrics about "you were naked and ashamed" and it had a really bad melody and really really really really really really really bad lyrics. They've had 3 songs in a row along these lines now. They are so bad that when the videos came on we would run to change the channel.

But then, who am I to say anything? I like Abba, so I guess I can't chat, but I just wanted to say that the Tea Party makes me sick to my stomach. heheh,

resident instigator,

Originally posted by Satori
But then, who am I to say anything? I like Abba, so I guess I can't chat, but I just wanted to say that the Tea Party makes me sick to my stomach.

Don't you love that? In process of ripping a band, you recall that other band you like which you realize could possibly be ripped just the same (but I won't rip you for Abba).