The Teleological Proof for God

Ptah Khnemu said:
If Lucifer tried t declare war on God, that obviously meant that he saw some kind of weakness in God. And if the other Angels followed him, that means that they also saw this weakness.

imo if they held their convictions highly enough, they would fight against God without any thought or hope of victory or of finding a weakness, simply to demean and belabour all of his defforts.
Mikobass said:
And if we think of it logically, would you declare war on an omnipotent God? If Satan chose to do so, don't you think he must have thought had a chance to prevail? Satan was an Angel right, something a bit better then man if I remember (Arghh!!!) my old bible studies. So we can fairly say he was at least (probably more) as intelligent as stupid little me... And I know I would not take on an open war with a God if I did not have a chance to begin with. Unless, he's not All-Powerful after all... But then he would not be much of a God now would he? Unless he does not exist.

So here you go, make the call
1- God is not a god
2- God does not exist

You left out this one:

3- God does exist but is not the Judeo-Christian God.
Of course!! My reasoning was obviously about this particular god!! An unknown obscur god is definitively a possibility (remote in my eyes, but still in the realm of possibilities)!!!
Mikobass said:
Of course!! My reasoning was obviously about this particular god!! An unknown obscur god is definitively a possibility (remote in my eyes, but still in the realm of possibilities)!!!

And that god's name could be mine. My username. not my real name. The God I believe in is to whom I tribute my username to.
Ptah Khnemu said:
If God existed, why did he stop communicating with humans? What happened that he decided to shut himself off from humans? There was sure to be at least ONE person to have lived within the past 2000 years that was at least alittle worthy of being spoken to by the creator. It seems like nowadays, God is some big celebrity who has no time for anything that's less than him. Thousands of years have gone by with wars carried out in his name, murders and crimes commited to please him, and actions taken, using him as a scapegoat. Even GOD can't have the patience to sit listening to the bitching and moaning of humans for 2000 years, because think about how often people go to church, temple, or anywhere else to pray to god for blessing, forgiveness, etc. If I heard 5 billion voices calling out to me to help them, I'd have said something. My point is that wtf has "God" been doing for the past 2000 years.

If God exists, may he strike ,e down when one person reads this.
"The Father" stopped talking to people when "The Son" came down to earth, so if any people could "hear" any type of deity's "voice" then it would be "Jesus", not "The Father", [but this is assuming that you believe what's in the text of the Christian's "Bible", which i don't]
Look for books on Atlantis. Alot of them talk about how the God and King of Atlantis was the Egyptian God Ptah, the God of creation. I worship Ptah.

You can probably find more info in books on Egyptian Mythology.
proglodite said:
Satan and his demons are unable to affect the physical unless given permission and/or willed to by a physical being.
so, when pagans ask their dieties to do things, and things actually change in an apparent re3sponse to those requests, then that's really Satan/demons... i'm not buying that
I'm afraid I haven't had the chance to read this entire thread in detail, just those posts relevant to the original topic. I can see two problems with this argument, first it is faulty logic to look at something after the event and talk about the chances/statistics involved in what has come to be and then expanding these slim chances to envoke a creator. It's the same as me commenting that "oh my god, what were the chances of me seeing the car with a numberplate F156 DEW today in the street?" I know it has happened, and thus cannot use that to analyse the probability of an event. The chances of life developing through 'mere chance' may be slim (or otherwise), but the very fact we are here to see that means it has occured, and then using an argument based on the 'chances' of this happening is not valid.

But, in my mind, above this, the argument is fundamentally flawed by more than such logic. Unlike all life, watches do not have a simple heirarchically nested pattern of development with a well documented process by which they formed. A watch has gone straight from a mess of metal to a designed artifact through the intervention of man - there is no other way. That man is 'so well designed' is explicable using evolution over an extremely long time span, and thus does not require any supernatural intervention.