The Thing

Just watched the 82 JC film and now I like the new one more because of how it tied in with the older one ...however.... I mean really do you think you can equal Carpenter's masterpiece NO FUCKING WAY.. and again however I think this is a respectable and competent , but far from classic, prequel, sequel, whatever the hell you want to call it but it does take place before the 82 classic ..
I am planning on seeing it today since I can't go to the NY comic con.
Glad to hear this movie isn't a complete disaster since I had little hope for it. Nothing will ever come close to the Carpenter version, even the original 50's version paled in comparison to that masterpiece.
On another note, check out this fantastic short story (or poem?) written from the alien point of view.

Well worth the read.
so no angry black guy or paranoid stoner?

I thought it was a remake, which is why i was disappointed. But I guess I'll look into it now that its somewhat an original take on the 82 remake by carpenter.
It ties in nicely with the first movie, but it has enough of it's own personality to be worth it, I reckon. Solidly made and, to be honest, way above what anyone was expecting.
Yeah I went in thinking it would be a remake, and was pleasantly surprised. It does tie in really well with the 1982 film, and I'd say it's probably the best scary movie I've seen at the theaters in quite a while! I was just hoping for a Kurt Russell cameo at the end. Oh well.
So yeah, saw it and it was better than expected. They did appear to take some time and make sure things ( no pun intended ) matched up with the JC version.
I had a few issues with some stuff but overall it was good.
Get a life this trailer on youtube i have seen is shithouse...stupid film with no solns.
Well, everyone that I've talked to, myself included, in the so called "great usa" has thought it was pretty good. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's going to go away. If that were the case, you would have gone away long ago...
will and i saw it when he was here the other day. definitely an interesting take on it, entertaining, etc. kinda lost me when they went on the ship... reminded me of Tommyknockers lol ... that part was just *too* out there, if that's possible for a movie like that. it seemed like it was trying to be more ambitious than the original... and the ship buried under the ice reminded me of the ship from Space Cases