The Thing

Yeah, most people agree the film falls apart at the spaceship. The CGI monster at the end was pretty weak when compared to the others in the film. And many reviewers have commented that it appears some "influence" was probably exerted to alter the film as it was slated to be released a while ago, then pulled for re-shoots etc.

But overall, it is a decent film. Just falls into the prequel trap in many ways.
What? Kurt Russell was in Stargate. He mentioned no aliens in Tango and Cash, Kurt Russell was in Tango and Cash.
They sure as hell weren't aliens in Big Trouble in Little China.

"GREAT, a six demon bag! whats in it?"
goddammit i just now realized today oct 26 is the day of the shootout at the OK Corral! why the hell dont movie theaters commemorate this occasion with free screenings of TOMBSTONE?!@ the icee sales would be astronomical!!!
