The "This is bullshit!" thread

Whats bullshit is Zeppelin is having a reunion... IN FUCKING ENGLAND! AND I CAN'T GO BECAUSE I LIVE IN FUCKING AMERICA! One thing that is bullshit is that cussing isn't allowed, its the only way to express anger, I'm fucking angry expresses your more than I'm really angry. Its just bullshit, if you don't cuss than no one knows what you're trying to express to the right extent.
^ :lol: You old fart. ...wait a minute, I'm old too :(

When I was in school the original Nintendo Gameboy's were the hated electronic device by teachers and staff. Then cell phones started to come along...

dude, I had the origional gray one. that thing was huge I remember the ony pockets I could fit it in were my jnco jeans.
you cant buy alcohol yourself if your are less tha 16, but sometimes, some shops dont care.
But when you are at home or at a party, you can drink even if you arent 16, its not illegal. Its not like in the US.
Belgian beer rocks, but german beer is pretty good as well. I like bavarian white beer and the beer called "Bockbier"
:lol:footie:lol: the English don't play footie:lol:

give it some BOLLOCKS SUNSHINE WE PLAY SOCCER:headbang::kickass: OR RUGBY:headbang::kickass: not footie.


Taliesin wots pwn?

well in England, soccer is called football so it was just a shortcut to say it :p But didnt you say you came from England? so how come you say soccer? just to avoid the confusion with american football?

"pwn" is actually "own"... internet orthograph...