The "This is bullshit!" thread

Here's some bullshit. In English today I pointed out how the date on the drill said October 8th and my teacher calls me self centered about how I was somehow supposed to know the drill was originally written for another class the day before and I'm self centered because I think only my class matters. I always thought my English teacher was PMSing when she was mad but I don't think women PMS for a couple weeks. And she only does to my class. Whenever someone asks a question she responds in a "you're a retard" tone.
Here's some bullshit. In English today I pointed out how the date on the drill said October 8th and my teacher calls me self centered about how I was somehow supposed to know the drill was originally written for another class the day before and I'm self centered because I think only my class matters. I always thought my English teacher was PMSing when she was mad but I don't think women PMS for a couple weeks. And she only does to my class. Whenever someone asks a question she responds in a "you're a retard" tone.

Then you should TAG her as your RETARD:loco: for the day and no TAGS back tell her, you never know she might become the RETARD:loco: of the year. WOOHOO:kickass:.......:lol:
BUt how do you know they're all not really retards?

Well some are but I mean kids have asked her about parts of speech when someone else had asked that before and she responds saying "I already answered that for someone else". Its not like while every kid is doing their work they pay attention to other peoples answers.
Eh... lessee. Bullshit...

the postal strike yesterday means my guitar won't be dispatched for another week. I really want it, my current (crap) one doesn't stay in tune for more than 10 mins and using my tremolo snapped 2 of my strings yesterday... (don't ask me how, I'm still pissed off at that :mad:)
teachers don't like to be corrected. Furthermore they can't stand it when you know more about what they are teaching than they do. Oftentimes I would add to something in class and the teacher would get pissed because it wasn't in the text book and I would get yelled at for "disrupting her lesson plan"
Well some are but I mean kids have asked her about parts of speech when someone else had asked that before and she responds saying "I already answered that for someone else". Its not like while every kid is doing their work they pay attention to other peoples answers.

I think every question should be written on the black board by the teacher and answered by the teacher.

BUT, the kid who asked the most fucked up question of the class gets to clean the black boards........:lol:

now surely that would stop freaks asking fucked up questions, so now everyone is happy.......:lol:
This is some bullshit I experienced at my old old school.

Okay school would start at 8:45 or so. It would end at 3:15. We would be sitting in homeroom for 15 minutes waiting for the announcements. About 5 minutes after the announcements they would call car riders for half the grades. About 5 minutes after that they would call the first busses. I was on the second so it took about an extra minute before they called mine. Okay so our bus went through 2 or 3 school districts and I was the second to last stop so I would end up getting home around 4:20 or 4:30. It sucked. I got home more than an hour after school ended. Its just bullshit. I got home in the same amount of time the year before (I went to the same school) when I rode in a car and we drove to my aunts house which was about 45 minutes away.

Whats bullshit is high school. Are they seriously trying to make kids fail? We wake up earlier and have more homework and useless shit that we have to do so those of us with brains are discouraged.

Useless things we learn/stuff they make us do:

Vocab: We learn just another way to say something we know how to say in 4 or 5 ways.

Parts of speech: We've gone over the same shit about 8 times, no one really needs to know where the verb should go in a sentence.

Write in complete sentences: If someone is answering a question they won't answer it in a complete sentence. If someone asked me if I was bored I would say "no" not "no I am not bored"

Take notes: Seriously I have found that kids learn better when they aren't groaning about the long list of shit they have to copy. Stress interferes with memory. If you are doing something you don't want to do you won't remember it very well.
This is whats bullshit recently:
my best friend is being suspended for being racist, even though she isnt and wasnt, just because she was being abused by two inignous australians and stuck up for herself (no name calling was used, except by them).
My view on life has completely changed and i have no one to talk to.
the world, and the fact that the only way i can feel satisfied with getting my voice heard is by breaking the law, and even then people think that "kids graffiti because theyre addicted to the spray". the fact that no one thinks anymore, no one thinks about what impact their actions are doing to the world, and what statement theyre putting across. for example, the other day me and my boyfriend were flying high and decided to play a game of chess, we set the chess board up, then decided we needed drinks, and food and by the time we got the drinks and food we didnt want to play chess anymore. and that is exactly what i hate, that people always need to improve their life, and they cant accept being content, youre taught to be the best, youre taught thats the only way to be happy. and now were taught this in school, and everyone believes it, and everyones going down the same path, and the worlds just going to get faster and faster. and all life is now is a competition, and the reason were taught this in school is because its better for the economy. if our school produces 100 adults ready to be the best at what they are,and the best at what were taught is a socialy acceptable life, we'll have 100 adults that are the best at their chosen line of work in australia. i hate that morals are taught in school. and no one thinks about what they believe is right or wrong, just what theyll get in trouble for. i hate my school. i hate what constitutionalised education represents. im very angry at the moment dammit :P
Come to America! I had sort of a similar experience at my old old school. During this assembly in front of the whole grade the conversation came down to the bullshit of them making us cut our hair short and stuff and then the principal said to me "You will appreciate your years at this school" and I said "I'm gonna look back on this as the worst 2 years of my life!" And I got suspended. Also teachers gave me shit for questioning the schools "values" like hard work. The problem with the world is we're all work work work and fun is becoming smaller and smaller. Then eventually everyone will be so filled up with too much work they will quit their jobs and start riots. Or at least I hope. I don't want to end up being in an adult in a world that is growing more work filled every second.
yeah, i hate that my years of being able to believe what i believe actively are becoming numbered. eventually i'm going to have to move out and get a job and do what everyone expects me to do, which is exactly what i dont want to. At my school we don't have uniform, but we do have a uniform policy. And the uniform policy, and basicly the commandments of the school are all written in a little book wich every student has. but no students read it, and because of this all the teachers in the school base the rules they inforce around what they like and dont like. so the amount of times ive been suspended for saying "no" to a teacher for telling me to change my hair is astounding, and i have undercuts and orange hair, wich isnt that bad... All the teachers, and deputys are just focusing on whats not important to our education now. i dont think someones view are impacting their education, and if they are, its beause they want them to. Another thing i dislike about school is history, as interesting as history is, when its taught as stimulus in english, and social science etc. all it does is keep the pendulum swinging, and because were all so distracted by racism and sexism we dont notice that people are descriminated against because of their beliefs, not their religeos beliefs, the school would get in trouble for that. but if i disagree with something about my schooling, and voice it, i'll get suspended. were only taught racism, and sexism, and not prejudice. and everyone has prejudice, so its just selective morals to what the government thinks is safe for us to learn. Australia needs a recolution. im sick of living in this society, and a lot of people ive spoken to about this agree with me, so people are noticing it. i think its high time.
Its not like Americas much better. Because of the dropout rate teachers try to scare you out of doing what you want to do. At least I don't get suspended for it but I think I intimidate my teachers a little bit. I was having a debate with my English teacher over how parts of speech and grammar are useless because they are common sense to an English speaker. She kept trying to give me questions I couldn't answer in order to embarass me in front of the students until I was just like "fuck it" and gave up. Teachers don't like people like me, people who can make people realize all the useless shit they're being forced to do. I don't think the teachers are trying to change my mind, they know they can't, they just don't want me to make other students think the way I do because they would lose students and lose their jobs and lose money. These days life just revolves around money, people kill and steal because they have no money, people change themselves because money is binded to everything a person wants and needs. You can't have leisure and live afterwards without money, you can't live without money, hell, you can't even live a married life without money, you can't even get love if you have no money. Paper and coins is pretty much what controls a persons destiny.