well in England, soccer is called football so it was just a shortcut to say itBut didnt you say you came from England? so how come you say soccer? just to avoid the confusion with american football?
"pwn" is actually "own"... internet orthograph...
i wasnt mad at you at allSORRY i was born in KENT ENGLAND i now live in Australia sorry for the miss leading info.
i was only jokingluv U2
My teacher took my fucking calculator when I wasn't playing any fucking games, and deleted the games off and now I probably can't use it on a test. Fuck math, from now on I'm skipping, I fucking hate that teacher.
I don't know if I'd ever live in England, lots of girls with messed up teeth. :zombie:
i wasnt mad at you at alljust wondered.
Whats bullshit is Zeppelin is having a reunion... IN FUCKING ENGLAND! AND I CAN'T GO BECAUSE I LIVE IN FUCKING AMERICA! One thing that is bullshit is that cussing isn't allowed, its the only way to express anger, I'm fucking angry expresses your more than I'm really angry. Its just bullshit, if you don't cuss than no one knows what you're trying to express to the right extent.
Some teacher tried to discourage me not to be a musician. It seems like lots of teachers try to discourage you from careers in art. She said it was "One in a million". Yeah, one in a million I'll be in the next Led Zeppelin but getting a career as a musician that pays is maybe a 1 in 10, I don't have to be famous, bands still get rich from just getting a lot of gigs.