The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Sororicide - "The Entity"
Overlooked old school death metal. I heard about them from someone on I don't believe I have ever seen them mentioned here, though I'm sure some of you have heard of them.

Summon - "Fallen"
Black/death metal with a hint of thrash. Good headbanging stuff.

Tearstained - "Final Thoughts"
I'm loving this. You should all know what this is about.
The first death metal song I got into: Pungent Stench - Viva La Muerte. It has a wicked Entombed (Clandestine) cross southern american bluesy/rock feel to it.

man I love bloodbath

more bands need to follow them and start playing old school DM

old school DM + modern production sounds great (though old school DM with raw production is wonderfull too)
i picked up the new suffocation and its pretty damn good! :kickass:
any other albums you guys really like that came out this year?