Yeah and Megadeth lost something when he left, but I also understand why he left. I just wish he could have done both Megadeth and his other interests.
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Despite being published only a few days ago this article is obviously quite old since it talks about Brotherhood being recently released and Brandon Small's bit talks about 2017, but it's an interesting article all the same. The idea that Gene was working the camera during the latest Slayer tour obviously wasn't an idea that was born on the spot, he's done it before. I knew he was on the first Slayer recording but didn't realise he had so much to do with the band back then.
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Despite being published only a few days ago this article is obviously quite old since it talks about Brotherhood being recently released and Brandon Small's bit talks about 2017, but it's an interesting article all the same. The idea that Gene was working the camera during the latest Slayer tour obviously wasn't an idea that was born on the spot, he's done it before. I knew he was on the first Slayer recording but didn't realise he had so much to do with the band back then.
That was really good. Gene never disappoints :headbang:
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Even when the bulk of article is 2 years old :)

There is a few interesting bits in the article. Trying to changing his first band's name because he didn't like it, helping Loambardo, how he approaches different aspects of drumming, how Eric pushes Testament. The guy really is more than just a drummer, but the one thing he never comes across as is a know it all.
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Yeah he's credited on Evil Has No Boundaries with backing vocals but I don't know that his name appears anywhere else on the cover. To hear he did their lightning way back then was a surprise, although the way he words it it kinds of sounds like it was a surprise for him as well :)
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I remember (maybe back about the time the article was done) that he said he lost a lot of weight because his missus made him but I didn't know it was a diabetes thing. He's been spruking that powder stuff for quiet a while now, it's not something I'm into but obviously that and a different lifestyle really works for him. 400 is bloody huge, even for a tall guy like him, in this country the government wants to tell everyone they are obese at 100kg which is about 220lbs.

Guess we can look forward to Blabber quoting the rest of that article on various days for the next week or so.
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I remember that article, it was the one where he said he'd have a babyface forever and would drum until he was 90.
Yeah I didn't know it was diabetes thing either. He's a big dude but 420 pounds is too much for almost anyone. I'm glad he fought that off.

Wow, obese at 220lbs? That's crazy.

Oh yeah they could stretch that one out for a while lol.
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Yeah even now a person of Gene's size would be considered morbidly obese by the government and those do gooders who control the government in an effort to turn us all into vegans and stop us eating sugar. It's unbelievable how easy these pricks are convinced. I bet none of them could put in the effort Gene does every night.

Blabber missed today's run with another part of the article!
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Our government is always looking out for us, except for those going through the major bushfires at the moment, for them all our government is doing is offering their thoughts and prayers.

I'm sure Blabber will give us some more quality interviews soon. Surely Sebbie Bach has said something, or maybe Jnr has something to say about leaving and rejoining Megadeth.

Speaking of which and it's not drummer related. It's Jnr's bday today.
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Hey! That's pretty much what out government does! Who knew?!

They're getting some good mileage out of Portnoy at the moment. I guess he was feeling neglected and had to open his mouth.

Happy Birthday Jr!! :kickass:
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We had one politician the other day actually say that the two people who died in one of the bush fires "probably voted for the greens". Not wanting to face the truth is one thing but blaming the political party they vote for their deaths is a hell of a thing for anyone to say let alone a politician.

I don't dislike Portnoy but I've never really taken much notice of what he says. I think I now know why. It seems like an amazing silly thing to say to the media. I wonder if he's going to throw the same dirt at other players he's played with since DT.
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Yeah it seems like that kind of politician is popping up everywhere the last tow or so years. It's fucking scary to learn what some of these people really think. And astonishing and sad that some of these people don't get voted out. they really have no business in a position of power.

I always like his drumming in DT some of his other bands not so much. but he has always annoyed me. I hate his background vocals, they are completely toneless and nasally. And with the concerts I have especially the older ones there will be a guitar solo or some cool bass thing but the picture is Portnoy's fat hairy back and him spitting. and then you watch the credits and it makes sense because he has producer creds. I wouldn't be surprised if he had editor creds as well.
The stuff in the news the last couple days though makes him look like a complete idiot. Plus a lot of it flies in the face of what he's said in the past and what others without the history of bullshitting have said.

It's hilarious to think he quit DT and told Ax7 " Now I can be with you!" and they were like ..uhhhh. No.
I'm not sure if Portnoy is the new KK or if KK is the new Portnoy:p
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I think these days it's a case of vote on moron out and another one gets in.

He definitely seems like the sort of guy who has to control everything. He might be the drummer but he wants a say in the guitars, the vocals and the lyrics or he's not going to play. I've lost track of all the bands he's played with or is still part of. They only released one album but I always liked his missus band, reportedly one of the first ever all female thrash bands.
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