I guess weed can be as dangerous if you have a large amount and it falls on your head and kills you :). I think the problem is they don't want to lose face. All these governments have put so much money and resources into fighting it and vilifying it and used it as a scapegoat for lots of things for decades that to legalize now would be admitting they were wrong or that it was pointless. I am sure that's the problem here. It's only legal in a handful of states. Whereas Canada who never really had our "War On Drugs" campaign legalized nation wide with no problems.

In excess anything is dangerous and it's not like smoking or inhaling pot doesn't have any negative medical effects, there is studies out there that show it can be quite harmful. I think it's wiser for a government to legalise it and control its sale as they do tobacco and alcohol, but I can see why many governments are hesitant. In this country where we basically have free medical it's already a bugbear of a lot of people that smokers and alcoholics get the same treatment, sometimes in less time than non-smokers and non-drinkers. Drugs of all kind also have a huge cost on that system (and they do know the breakdowns of costs between drugs) but while those products remain illegal the argument of people who don't think users should get the same medical treatment as non-users is something the government can ignore. Legalise any drug and the government suddenly has to start explaining why tax payers are paying for the care of those using it.
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No not yet. I did just get the Jay And Silent Bob Reboot. You could have warned me about the Silence Of The Lambs scene :erk::yell::yow::yuk:

I could have warned you about a lot of scenes :p

I wouldn't say I'm a fan of the Terminator, I do remember seeing 1 and 2 but I wasn't waiting with baited breath for any more. However I didn't mind the latest one. Linda and Arnie are looking old and it's hard to take either serious, but the movie itself is quite good.
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In excess anything is dangerous and it's not like smoking or inhaling pot doesn't have any negative medical effects, there is studies out there that show it can be quite harmful. I think it's wiser for a government to legalise it and control its sale as they do tobacco and alcohol, but I can see why many governments are hesitant. In this country where we basically have free medical it's already a bugbear of a lot of people that smokers and alcoholics get the same treatment, sometimes in less time than non-smokers and non-drinkers. Drugs of all kind also have a huge cost on that system (and they do know the breakdowns of costs between drugs) but while those products remain illegal the argument of people who don't think users should get the same medical treatment as non-users is something the government can ignore. Legalise any drug and the government suddenly has to start explaining why tax payers are paying for the care of those using it.
Sure excess of anything is bad. No argument there. But the consequences of the excess of alcohol and cigarettes as compared to weed are very very different. Nobody dies from too much weed. You get sleepy and fall asleep lol. People who crash and have weed in their system usually have something else in their system. The studies...well you can find a study to back up anything really. There are plenty on both sides. It's hard to cut through agendas.
The governments do need to be there though. Look what's happening here with the vape shit. People are buying black market stuff from Mexico and China because there is not much in the way of control. If you're growing your own there's no real problem. But when it comes to things like vaping devices and added chemicals the government needs to be there.
This isn't happening in the UK because their government has their finger on it.

With the insurance thing. I think they only way is to not have exceptions. Because there will always be people that say what about this and what about that. Cut it all out and just say fuck it. Covered.
There's enough tax money to go around if people run it right.
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I could have warned you about a lot of scenes :p

I wouldn't say I'm a fan of the Terminator, I do remember seeing 1 and 2 but I wasn't waiting with baited breath for any more. However I didn't mind the latest one. Linda and Arnie are looking old and it's hard to take either serious, but the movie itself is quite good.
Yes you could have! :tickled: Man they look fucking rough. The meth jokes seem less like actual jokes!

The Terminator movies are definitely hit or miss. There's probably more crappy ones than good ones.
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Sure excess of anything is bad. No argument there. But the consequences of the excess of alcohol and cigarettes as compared to weed are very very different. Nobody dies from too much weed. You get sleepy and fall asleep lol. People who crash and have weed in their system usually have something else in their system. The studies...well you can find a study to back up anything really. There are plenty on both sides. It's hard to cut through agendas.
The governments do need to be there though. Look what's happening here with the vape shit. People are buying black market stuff from Mexico and China because there is not much in the way of control. If you're growing your own there's no real problem. But when it comes to things like vaping devices and added chemicals the government needs to be there.
This isn't happening in the UK because their government has their finger on it.

With the insurance thing. I think they only way is to not have exceptions. Because there will always be people that say what about this and what about that. Cut it all out and just say fuck it. Covered.
There's enough tax money to go around if people run it right.

There is actually quite strong evidence suggesting that weed isn't that far removed from tobacco in what it can cause, but like not every smoker will contract cancer not ever weed smoker will become ill.
I believe that here the act of vaping is legal but the purchase of the actual stuff isn't, but I'm not up with the laws because it doesn't effect me. I do know the government jumped hard on the deaths in Germany or Netherlands last year that were traced back to whatever shit is in vaping stuff. They were like little kids in a classroom saying "I told you so" and patting themselves on the back for not legalising a largely 'untested' product.

When it comes to health insurance here it's an opt in situation, you want it you pay a premium for it otherwise you rely on the free public system. If you're a smoker, drinker, even casual drug user, they kick the premiums higher and higher because while it's regulated the government authorise the premium rises. Paying the fee does possibly get you seen sooner and possibly a doctor who charges more, but not always and of course if you lie about anything from still smoking to not having an existing condition to not being a recreation drug users they can legally not pay out your claim. It's a scam of a system fed by those who are too scared to rely on the free public system. What brings everyone back on an even level is that our taxes pay for the public system, therefore most people don't want their tax spent on drug addicts or alcoholics. But they seemingly don't have the same concern about it being spent on themselves if they ignore laws like road laws and need medical help after they crash their car.
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Yes you could have! :tickled: Man they look fucking rough. The meth jokes seem less like actual jokes!

The Terminator movies are definitely hit or miss. There's probably more crappy ones than good ones.

Mewes has suffered really badly and I think there is a lot of 'experience' behind those jokes. He's aged a lot, his teeth are fucked, he's lost weight he couldn't really afford to loose. I really hope he's kicked the shit for good now. There is a few 'preachy' lines in the movie but I never felt like they were actually trying to convert people, or making an advert against drugs, which was a good thing.

I don't remember how many Terminators there are but my wife told me before we watched this one that we had to 'ignore' the previous movie because that's what the producers did, apparently like a Ripper through a JP history book they want to remove the last one from history.
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There is actually quite strong evidence suggesting that weed isn't that far removed from tobacco in what it can cause, but like not every smoker will contract cancer not ever weed smoker will become ill.
I believe that here the act of vaping is legal but the purchase of the actual stuff isn't, but I'm not up with the laws because it doesn't effect me. I do know the government jumped hard on the deaths in Germany or Netherlands last year that were traced back to whatever shit is in vaping stuff. They were like little kids in a classroom saying "I told you so" and patting themselves on the back for not legalising a largely 'untested' product.

When it comes to health insurance here it's an opt in situation, you want it you pay a premium for it otherwise you rely on the free public system. If you're a smoker, drinker, even casual drug user, they kick the premiums higher and higher because while it's regulated the government authorise the premium rises. Paying the fee does possibly get you seen sooner and possibly a doctor who charges more, but not always and of course if you lie about anything from still smoking to not having an existing condition to not being a recreation drug users they can legally not pay out your claim. It's a scam of a system fed by those who are too scared to rely on the free public system. What brings everyone back on an even level is that our taxes pay for the public system, therefore most people don't want their tax spent on drug addicts or alcoholics. But they seemingly don't have the same concern about it being spent on themselves if they ignore laws like road laws and need medical help after they crash their car.
That's the funny thing. I've read just as much about weed inhibiting the growth of lung cancer and other things. We've had massive propaganda for decades. I mean Reefer Madness lol. And commercials of people shooting themselves because they took a hit of a joint. And many other stupid things. And it wasn't until a few years ago that they said. Well we haven't actually done any real studies lol.
So whatever!

I don't think we'll ever get universal health here for a multitude of reasons.
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Mewes has suffered really badly and I think there is a lot of 'experience' behind those jokes. He's aged a lot, his teeth are fucked, he's lost weight he couldn't really afford to loose. I really hope he's kicked the shit for good now. There is a few 'preachy' lines in the movie but I never felt like they were actually trying to convert people, or making an advert against drugs, which was a good thing.

I don't remember how many Terminators there are but my wife told me before we watched this one that we had to 'ignore' the previous movie because that's what the producers did, apparently like a Ripper through a JP history book they want to remove the last one from history.
Yeah man they look so much older (especially Mewes) just since Clerks 2, it's crazy.

That crap pisses me off. A whole bunch of Terminator movies are like that. They just can't keep a story line together.
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That's the funny thing. I've read just as much about weed inhibiting the growth of lung cancer and other things. We've had massive propaganda for decades. I mean Reefer Madness lol. And commercials of people shooting themselves because they took a hit of a joint. And many other stupid things. And it wasn't until a few years ago that they said. Well we haven't actually done any real studies lol.
So whatever!

I don't think we'll ever get universal health here for a multitude of reasons.

I know medicinal weed has been shown to have positive effects on some illnesses but from what I've been able to find out medicinal weed, at least in this country, is quite a bit different to the stuff people buy on the street. The other thing with medicinal weed is that if it's prescribed there is less chance of the weed clashing with other meds or things like psychotic behaviour. If anything alcohol should be treated the same way, one has to go to the doctor and get a certificate before they can buy it as a means of stopping bad drunks getting booze...if only they'd thought of that 150 years ago! We don't get a lot of scare campaigns on weed now because ICE is a much more destructive thing and it's actually one of the first things people associate with drug use now. They may not have legalised it here but unless you've got an entire plant in your back pocket and you're caught selling baggies down at the local park the cops don't bother with you. Even with a body search they rarely ping you for anything less than a few baggies unless you're doing something else and they want a charge to stick so they can hold you.

Putting in a universal health care system in the US now would cost a bomb, it costs us enough but at least ours is established.
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Yeah man they look so much older (especially Mewes) just since Clerks 2, it's crazy.

That crap pisses me off. A whole bunch of Terminator movies are like that. They just can't keep a story line together.

Looking at some of the pod casts and stuff the two of them did the last few years you can tell Mewes really got hit heavy by the drugs, he's probably lucky to have Smith and others around him because he surely wouldn't be here today if he didn't.

I believe (and I could be wrong here) that they except this movie to slot in after 2, treat the others as fan fiction but go back to where the story line was what the fans wanted and continue it. I don't remember the time lines of the later movies but it's going to be hard for them to make another movie now unless it's fan fiction.
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As far as I've seen there is no difference in the weed at last here, if you look at the menus the only difference is the price. Medical is tax free and the tax is a lot!. But we very far apart and every place is different. I'm more worried about the latest Chinese plague! Fucking dirty ass China. What's this like the third plague in 10 years they've given everyone?
I watched a video where they actually search sewers for oil to use in cooking (look it up!). They are trying to crack down on it supposedly. But still, who does that kind of shit.
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Looking at some of the pod casts and stuff the two of them did the last few years you can tell Mewes really got hit heavy by the drugs, he's probably lucky to have Smith and others around him because he surely wouldn't be here today if he didn't.

I believe (and I could be wrong here) that they except this movie to slot in after 2, treat the others as fan fiction but go back to where the story line was what the fans wanted and continue it. I don't remember the time lines of the later movies but it's going to be hard for them to make another movie now unless it's fan fiction.
I think maybe they should just put it to bed now. Unfortunately. Everyone looked pretty beat up. Even Shannon Elizabeth. I was not expecting that!
But you're right I guess a fan fic movie could be pretty good. Like a real Bluntman And Chronic movie..where they wear masks :)
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As far as I've seen there is no difference in the weed at last here, if you look at the menus the only difference is the price. Medical is tax free and the tax is a lot!. But we very far apart and every place is different. I'm more worried about the latest Chinese plague! Fucking dirty ass China. What's this like the third plague in 10 years they've given everyone?
I watched a video where they actually search sewers for oil to use in cooking (look it up!). They are trying to crack down on it supposedly. But still, who does that kind of shit.

It could be the difference between legal and not legal. Our governments made a big deal about ensuring the two were different so that weed smokers didn't think they could just go to the doctor and get a free high. I'm not sure who would be going to a doc and asking for weed on a medical record when it can be got so much easier from a hundred different places but government thinking isn't always logical.

It is a bit of a concern that a disease which can be born in the streets of a city and be bred in food can then spread around the entire world. The Chinese are leaders in so many ways yet it seems they are also backwards in so much. Then again maybe it's a biological weapon and not a virus. I for one welcome our lovely new overlords of the Chinese rule! :)
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I think maybe they should just put it to bed now. Unfortunately. Everyone looked pretty beat up. Even Shannon Elizabeth. I was not expecting that!
But you're right I guess a fan fic movie could be pretty good. Like a real Bluntman And Chronic movie..where they wear masks :)

I kind of get the impression that this is the final go round for Jay and Silent Bob, but a new page for Mewes and Smith.

When my wife explained the whole Terminator thing to me her speech went for a lot long than what I've done here, but I remember it being something like.

Me: "I don't remember anything after Terminator Vs Guns N Roses."
Her: "You don't need too they've gone back to then because they didn't like the later ones. That's why Linda and Arnie are back."
Then there was a heap of others words I don't remember.

I'd love to see Bluntman and Chronic :)
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Farkin' Hell it's just hit 110F here and I've gotta go and pick up the kids from school soon :guh:
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. I for one welcome our lovely new overlords of the Chinese rule! :)

Free bird flue for and reeducation camps everyone!! :tickled::ill:

It's A nice little racket the Dr's have here. When I go into a shop. They push going to the Dr to get a medical card to save you from the taxes. Saying how easy it is. But it's also like two visits of $1000 each. I'd have to smoke way way more to make that worth it lol. Oh and you have to renew every year. I'm not sure if it's still $1000 to renew,
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I kind of get the impression that this is the final go round for Jay and Silent Bob, but a new page for Mewes and Smith.

When my wife explained the whole Terminator thing to me her speech went for a lot long than what I've done here, but I remember it being something like.

Me: "I don't remember anything after Terminator Vs Guns N Roses."
Her: "You don't need too they've gone back to then because they didn't like the later ones. That's why Linda and Arnie are back."
Then there was a heap of others words I don't remember.

I'd love to see Bluntman and Chronic :)
Well, she pretty much has it in a nutshell lol. Lol Terminator vs GNR.

Yeah so would I. Make sure they keep those masks on :p
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Free bird flue for and reeducation camps everyone!! :tickled::ill:

It's A nice little racket the Dr's have here. When I go into a shop. They push going to the Dr to get a medical card to save you from the taxes. Saying how easy it is. But it's also like two visits of $1000 each. I'd have to smoke way way more to make that worth it lol. Oh and you have to renew every year. I'm not sure if it's still $1000 to renew,

Imagine if it was some biological weapon and all the leaders are just wandering around bitching and moaning about China making people sick and banning people from visiting there.

I'm not sure of the hoops we have to jump through to get the stuff for medial purposes. I know it's not easy and it has to be authorised by three separate doctors or something like that but I don't know if one has to pay for it. I can only imagine if they legalised smokeable stuff the same way people would just give up because it's too much effort.
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Well, she pretty much has it in a nutshell lol. Lol Terminator vs GNR.

Yeah so would I. Make sure they keep those masks on :p

I couldn't tell you that name of that Terminator movie but I remember the GNR song :)

If they mask up they could use multiple actors and Kevin Smith could still get all those weird cameos he manages
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