He might make those decisions but I don't trade with America in business, pretty much everything I buy and sell is either locally produced or from Asia. The closest I come to making any business dealing in US dollars is when I buy from Amazon. The laws and policies he puts in place don't change my life and are not something I have to adhere to unless I travel to the US. I'm not denying he is the Pres and that he has an important job that influences a lot of things but that doesn't make him relevant to me or my life. Despite what many people think the term "leader of the free world" does not have the same importance in this country as it does in others.
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You said Trump songs were only relevant in America, If songs about him aren't then he isn't. And you also did include the whole rest of the world into it.
now who's got the drums?!
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If that's what I said then obviously I was over simplifying it and using the whole world as a collective, not unlike using the "royal we" which American's might not understand. However I still say that the person, songs about the person and stories about the person are not relevant to me, and will never be anywhere near as relevant to me as they are to an American. Obviously I can't speak for the rest of the world, I don't know them all, but I can with quite a bit of certainty say that most people I know think the same of Donald Trump as I do, understand his relevance to us is not the same as to those whose country he runs and do not take the term "Leader of the free world" the same as American's seem to.

If that's banging a drum them I'm happy to do it, if not I'll take one of Dave's drum machines and record a few albums.
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I'm not sure where the term of Leader of the free world came from. I don't even know if it was us. Honestly seems like it screws us more than anything else.

Just wait till he starts WW3 with a damn tweet. Then he'll be relevant to everybody. Maybe that's what he's going for.
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When the decisions made by the guy in the big chair are popular I think the rest of the world looks at the term "leader of the free world" differently, I know in this country they do. For the first 12 months of Obama's arse warming the seat the term was spoken in happy tones by the media but since Trump took over most people seem to resent it when it's mentioned.

I can't take him serious until he gets a hair cut like that dickhead from north Korea that he called rocketman. A hair cut like that means business!!!
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To me the vocals on the first track were terrible, but the second track not so bad. I never heard the stuff first time around but I'd be interested to hear a bit more of it.
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I'm not sure there will be any flipping either but the second track does sound heaps better I'd at least preview an album with the second track on it but I very much doubt I would bother with an album if the first track is what I heard.
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We don't get Seth Meyers here, TBH I don't even know who the guy is, but there has been a few metal musos hit the night shows over the last few years. I'd probably watch it with Gene on it if they had it on here but I couldn't guarantee it, those shows bore the crap out of me most of the time.
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But would he be on screen enough? I've watch James Corden a few times and the drummer gets spoken too at most a few times in a night and the band gets cut to about the same number of times.