The time has come.. (WARNING: Drug related!)


May 19, 2006
Emmen/Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
For the mods: This topic is NOT for promoting drugs, its about politics.
Serious discussion please.

Holland has after about a year debating about it, and having the plans ready decided to ban "magic mushrooms" this december.

Now, my point here isnt because BAWW I WANT MY DRUGS. It's because the whole idea of banning them is fucking retarded, unargumented, biased and counter-effective.

The reason for the idea of banning them is that a few tourists died "because" of them. They died because they did not know anything about them, without any knowledge about dosing, etc etc. They did NOT die because of the drug itself.
It's like if you would jump out of a building, you'd die before hitting the ground because of a heartattack. They didnt know the effect, thus they were so overcome by it that they went into a shock and died of a heart-attack (this is just an example, some others died because they thought they could fly or something).

The new law will ban 186 sorts of mushrooms, of which most of them have NO effect on humans WHATSOEVER. You wont feel shit if you eat them. Most of the banned mushrooms also just grow everywhere in nature. Seriously, who of you hasnt seen one of these:

90% of the people who eat them for a trip dont even eat those. This "fly agaric or fly Amanita" is one of the most common mushrooms found in nature in Holland (and probably countries around us too)

With this law in function, people who have these in their garden risk a 6 year prison sentance. As do foresters. Seriously, what the fuck.
Mushrooms help to keep nature in balance. It's also proven that people who have eaten shrooms a few times have more selfconfidence and are more aware of the world. People who have done it see the difference between reality and fiction better.

This year ambulances had to move out for a mushroom incident 96 times this year's Januari - August. Does anyone have an idea how much they had to move out for alcohol incidents? Probably about 96 each week.

The dutch minister of healthcare funded a research about mushrooms and THAT research among 95% of all other researches said it has NO negative effects. Yet he ignored the results, eventhough 188 other dutch ministers voted against the ban.
This also is just totally COUNTER-effective since people will buy them from shitty dealers who can put some other stuff like ratpoison in it. (yes, rat poison is already quite normal to be found in XTC pills)

Also, much of this was "pressured" by American governement.

More propaganda :)lol:)

Dutch governement ban the balance of nature, a purifying substance, and a totally harmless "drug".

Seriously, im pissed off.
I find this strange decision of the law to be quite humorous. And I have to say, I don't disagree with it since you people already have cannabis.

Tho I can't help myself from having audible chuckles at the thread starter for not getting his mushroom mind affecting drugs.
I find this strange decision of the law to be quite humorous. And I have to say, I don't disagree with it since you people already have cannabis.

Tho I can't help myself from having audible chuckles at the thread starter for not getting his mushroom mind affecting drugs.

The cannabis argument is fucking stupid.

I never said its not mind affecting drugs, wtf, its the most mindfucking mindfuck ever in my opinion. I just said that when its handled with care its saver than alcohol, and not health-affecting at all. 99% of the people who "do" shrooms, "do" them once each half year, maybe each 4 months or so.
Welcome to life man. Governments do dumb shit in the interest of the greater good but in reality it often never is. Be lucky your country at least has legal weed and no one goes to jail for that. The USA there's people doing hard time for having a bit of weed... and Canada is too close to them to legalize it fully because of that pressure from the USA you mentioned. But we don't really put people in jail for pot unless it's a big amount and they were dealing. I don't think mushrooms should be legal but that's just me. But it's true that alcohol is such a dangerous thing compared to other substances yet it's legal. I guess we know that these bans aren't really for the best interest after all.
That, and
MetalAges said:
I'm cool with that as long as it doesn't turn into a casual "what drug are you doing" type deal.



anyway, i could understand countries that dont have it legal dont MAKE it legal. But it has so much downsides to make this illegal since it was legal before.
I mean, people who have done it can agree with me that it really opens your mind and makes it clearer in a way