the "tour review thread"

thanks mousewings.

I turned 21 and did absolutely NOTHING. heh. (well, except working and buying cd's w/ bday loot)

ok, back on topic:

I like KSE's album, and hopefully they'll do a good show. I've heard a lot of people say they suck live though. Standing through Sentenced will be the tough part. I dig Frozen and Amok (haven't heard Down, yeah I know it's supposedly their best) but Crimson sucked a fat one, and I haven't even had the desire to pick up the new one.

sucks that DT is openers.. ah well
Saw DT yesterday in Pomona, Calif. I was impressed. I have never seen them live before. Didn't even know they were gonna play since I read some conflicting reports on who was opening for In Flames. Some comments:
Sentenced: Never cared for their music. They played well but they were too distant, as if they didn't wanna be there.
Dark Tranquility: WOW! At first the mic was messed up and you couldn't hear much. But they sure have charisma! I couldn't tell you what songs they played since I wasn't prepared for them. It was awesome! Mikael stage-dived!Too short a set though. They deserve better.
Killswitch Engage: Who? Why these guys get to play after DT makes no sense. Brutal sound. They've got to fire their vocalist though. This guy has a great ability to piss the crowd off with his dumb speeches and comments in- between songs. These kids should have played first.
In Flames: Great. Something was wrong with the guitar sound- you couldn't hear the solos. The vocalist was tired after the first song. Still, the crowd went wild.
Looks like they realized that having DT open the show was a bad mistake and switched Sentenced and DT around. I kinda figured since the show I went to being the 1st one there would be some changes. yeah I think in flames has been straight touring for several months so it does not surprise me if they are tired.


I saw 'em in Pomona last night. They stole the show, easily... Mikael was just AWESOME. Plus, when they played Punish my Heaven I almost fell over doing the \m/. They definitely deserved more time.
Originally posted by Schraiber
I saw 'em in Pomona last night. They stole the show, easily... Mikael was just AWESOME. Plus, when they played Punish my Heaven I almost fell over doing the \m/. They definitely deserved more time.
they played Punish My Heaven there? fuck, they better play it here in michigan
Originally posted by satanistical
Looks like they realized that having DT open the show was a bad mistake and switched Sentenced and DT around. I kinda figured since the show I went to being the 1st one there would be some changes. yeah I think in flames has been straight touring for several months so it does not surprise me if they are tired.



I read on the IF board that Anders was battling the flu at the pomona show, and that's why he's tired. I saw the SF show, he seemed fine and full of energy then.

DT was so awesome in SF, it was great to see them live. You could tell that the band was excited to be there, and Mikael was really energetic and cool to watch. We were right up front, and loved every minute of it! (We drove 13 hours, just to see the first DT show in the US!) The wonders at your feet was a great opener, and I LOVED hearing the sun fired blanks live.... the new songs were cool too, particularly monochromatic stains and final resistance! I was just a little bit diappointed they didn't play more off of projector (i really wanted to hear mikael's clean vocals live; projector's my favorite album) but even so, seeing DT live was one of the best concert experiences i've had thus far, and I hope they come our way again soon!

I love Sentenced but was kinda disappointed because Ville seemed rather drunk, kinda missed it on the vocals of a few of the songs, and just didn't seem very interested in being there. I think it was obvious enough that he wasn't into it that the crowd picked up on it and weren't nearly as enthusiastic as they could have been. Plus they cut off Warrior of Life after the first verse/chorus! (And it was the song they got the best reaction from when they started!) Still, it was neat to see them live, even if they didn't hold a candle to DT's performance, or even IF's. I'm glad they switched DT and Sentenced around in the lineup. DT deserves a way higher spot in the lineup!

I wasn't into Killswitch Engage, don't know them at all. I was right in front so the singer kept stepping on my hands. Hehe!

IF was ultra cool, I've seen them 3x thus far, but I really enjoyed hearing the stuff off the new album (which I love!) And of course the old stuff was cool as always

I am in a cool spot because I have yet to get the new album. I have heard everyone smack on IF and the new album since they released it. I liked all the songs they played live from the new album except the first one(sounded like jonathon davis from korn). I thought the all white outfits was different from a metal act but they have the right to wear whatever they feel like. Anyway enough of IF...I cannot wait for DT to come and headline because I know after this tour thier fanbase in the states will be HUGE.

(yeah ville seemed toasted and not into the show at all. I was expecting ALOT from Sentenced as I have been a fan since back before the amok days. I have a feeling they will be back. I hope so.)

well some words to the projectorsongs they do play live:
they play the sun fired blanks(the only song on projector without clean vox) and they played each time I saw them UnDo control.these 2 are the most played projector songs

I dont like this song on projector(the femal vox arent necessary,IMO the waekest song on pro) but live this songs sounds very cool.
Im so angry that I missed the 1999 projector tour,Ive heard they played a lot of songs from this album,even to a bitter halt!!
this tour was the best package ever:
in flames
children of bodom
dark tranquillity
arch enemy!!!

I hope they willl play of chaos and eternal night on the european headlinertour
Saw them in Pomona, DT kicked ass!!! In Flames Kicked ass!! Sentenced...uhhh... too overly melodic for the crowd and KSE... GAY!! I would have prefered to have KSE opening instead of being one set higher than DT. It was a great show but KSE was horrorable "gaycore" sound and the band in all sucked fucking ass!

And for everyone who is wondering. Dark Tranquillity DID INDEED PLAY "Punish My Heaven."
Did they play Format C: For Cortex?

I know they didn't played it for the first gig in the states but the others?

When I met the guys in Sweden last summer, we were talking about how we love Edenspring, then they said maybe we should think about resurrecting this song live! And they began to speak swedish together (Niklas and Mikael)... so I don't know what to think, what to hope!?
Anyone in NY? Brooklyn area specifically? Either way, I'm trying to get to the NJ show at the Birch Hill Arena, but when I called even the lady who answered the phone didn't know how to get there. So, seeing I don't have a ride, does anyone know how to get out there on the PATH train, or Greyhound, or something along the lines of that. (Public transportation) Thx
I know I'm supporting a thread off the main one, Ormir, but just bear with me on this one. IrFaan... I'm leaving for Birch Hill at about 5:30 or 6:00 ish on NJ transit to New Brunswick, then taking a taxi from the station to the club. Hope that helps as far as a method. See you there.
That said, try and keep these things to the main threads.

Is there anyone in NYC planning to go see the show in Old Bridge, NJ on Friday? I am, but I don't have a car. So if you're driving there and if there's a room for one more, please pick me up! (I'll pay for the gas!) Or, if you need a ride like I do, maybe we could rent a car and split the cost. Either way, I need to get there on Friday... Someone, please!