The Truth hurts (Borknagar)

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
Well, i just bought Empiricism the other day (it finally arrived at HMV!!!). I can't ell you the excitement of seeing it n the shelf, picking it up, actually touching the finshed product!!! The digipak looks so awesome, it was one of the most exciting moments of my life. I had been waiting quite some time for this! Right from the beginning when a new album was announcd, I was already claiming that it would no doubt be the album of the year.

Well, after a number of listens, I am thoroughly disappointed. I really find nothing interesting or inspiring on here. I mean, the music even sound uninspired to me. I don't know what happened, the vocals are perfect, the guitars are exceptiuonally played, as are the other instruments, and the production is kick-ass. But the songs are simply monotonous and uninteresting. I hate it, I wake up, and feel the butterflies in my stomach as I thinik about the dfact that I own the CD, only to slowly realize that, even though I finally own it, it's really not going ot do anything for me (well, maybe except looking at the artwork.)

Even now, I get these false hopes of thinking it's great, and I'll go and listen to it again, just like the other times, in hopes that maybe this time it'll be good.

But I don't think it will.:cry:

Yes, it is a sad moment. I don't think I've ever been this let down in my life.

Moral of the story-don't ever get your hopes too high. When you fall, it hurts that much more.

(damn, and I wonder I get so emotional over relationships...)
Originally posted by Till Fjalls
Well, after a number of listens, I am thoroughly disappointed. I really find nothing interesting or inspiring on here. I mean, the music even sound uninspired to me. I don't know what happened, the vocals are perfect, the guitars are exceptiuonally played, as are the other instruments, and the production is kick-ass. But the songs are simply monotonous and uninteresting. I hate it, I wake up, and feel the butterflies in my stomach as I thinik about the dfact that I own the CD, only to slowly realize that, even though I finally own it, it's really not going ot do anything for me (well, maybe except looking at the artwork.)

It's sort of the same way for me....
I was really into the album in the beginning...
Some of the songs actually kick ass...
They are all perfect... But they don't move
anything in me... There's nothing there
that's so well done I almost flip...

I listen to the album every once in a while,
and think "God, these vocals are just amazing!
But the music...." It's like it's too thin in some way.
The cd mostly just floats around here now...
I have it close to my computer in case I feel like
giving it another chance.... Then when I listen to
it I get disappointed and start missing Colossus! >:eek:P
It's really been the opposite with me.
The first time I listened to it I was kind of dissapointed. There were no songs I liked instantly like Colossus. After a few listens though, I started loving it. I love the pure adrenaline rush I get on listening to the beggining of the Genuine Pulse. I love the little quiet bit in gods of my world. Soul Sphere is also brilliant after a few listens. Give it a few tries and I hope you'll be able to appreciate the greatness of Empiricism.
The Genuine Pulse is one hell of a song...
After many a listens it has grown on me
and I REALLY like it....
Hope the rest of the album follows! :eek:)

I love the clean vocals in the background
by Vintersorg at 1:02! :eek:)
It makes me shiver...
that really sucks, when there's a CD that you KNOW you should like based on principle: there's nothing BAD about it... hell, it's even GOOD, but it doesn't doesn't float your boat.

it's a frustrating feeling.