Originally posted by fool
I don't think the spiral did go along with the number, the perfect spiral went along with the rectangle drawn with the golden ratio.
speaking of that....did you notice that Tool "lateralus" the song is written under that principle???
notice the syllables per line.......
it goes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...then cycles back down 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1 etc....
Black - 1
then - 1
white are - 2
all i see - 3
in my infancy. - 5
red and yellow then came to be, -8
reaching out to me. - 5
lets me see. -3
then the second verse fills it in
there is - 2
so - 1
much - 1
more it - 2
beckons me - 3
to look through to these -5
infinite possibilities - 8
as below, so above and beyond, I imagine - 13
drawn beyond the lines of reason. - 8
Push the envelope. - 5
Watch it bend. - 3
and so one....
and the chorus speaks of spirals.
I embrace my desire to
I embrace my desire to
feel the rhythm, to feel connected enough to step aside and weep like a widow
to feel inspired to fathom the power, to witness the beauty,
to bathe in the fountain,
to swing on the spiral
to swing on the spiral
to swing on the spiral of our divinity and still be a human.
this is way off topic
one of my friends figured this out.
if this doesn't solidify tool as geniuses I don't know what does.