The Unintentional Flirt


Apr 5, 2003
It seems like whenever I wander out into the real world, I am always making the little women smile. A while ago I headed over to pick up some McDonalds for my mom's lunch because she was working very hard and couldn't leave to get lunch. I don't recall really what I ordered but I got lunch for both of us, and went to pay... I forgot to hit the bank before I went so I had a couple dollars and some quarters from my car. I paid, and somehow I had change of one penny. The little girl teller was putting the money in the register, and as sly as a fox, I said, "You can keep the penny."

I thought about it in my head afterwords, thinking wow - that was really offensive, to me even. I thought my own statement was offensive. But she smiled and almost came to a giggle. Maybe I just have a way with women. Maybe it was the way I delivered the line that made her turn to putty. I don't know what the heck happened that day, but it just continued to prove that I, the Oinkinator, am good with the ladies. :)
this thread = ftw

just because it made me laugh is telling someone they can keep a penny offensive?
Yeah something like that. I guess since she was working at McDonalds and I generally think of McDonalds as a place for desperate people to work (those who couldn't get hired somewhere better, as better places totally outnumber the McDonalds in the area) afterwords I realized it probably was offensive though she did giggle, but then later that night she probably cried her eyes out. :lol:
I've had a similar experience, except it was more in the vein of douchebagism than flirtatiousness. Either way, it was funny as hell.

When I was in highschool, I ate at a local diner every day with my friends during lunch. We always joke around with the waitress and one day when it came to paying, I put a penny in the tip jar and said "Don't spend it all in one place". Fuck that was funny :lol:

PS. I'm also very good with the ladies :danceboy:
No no, you're right; she's not hot at all. If her jaw was about 3 inches thicker she'd look like Paris Hilton. :lol:
I guess I'm somewhat good with ladies. I've had girls tell me in public that I'm hot. Very weird. In an apple store one asked me how I got on myspace because it was blocked, and I said "Go to Vtunnel" and she asked if I could do it for her. I dunno what else I can really think of.
Hah... that's a good one. But how do you get on MySpace when it's blocked, like at the college library? :o