The Unofficial Official In Flames-forum´s favorite person is BACK!


Nov 26, 2002
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Oh yeah, and by the way, I´m still better than everyone else around...not to mention more eloquent and articulate than you could dream of being, i.e. like it always has been. Don´t let this hinder anyone here from TRYING to engage in fruitful conversation, though, as I´m sure you would want to do this eventually. However, be prepared for the master of EVERYTHING (me) to step in when something goes out of line and stupid (which, to judge by past In Flames forums is, like, 95 percent of the time).

So, how has everyone been?
If anyone remembers the serious posts he made, they will know he knows a hell of a lot about guitars and distotion pedals. Ad he can screw around on the CoB forum here :)
seventi said:

This is just so typically seventi. Very childish, seventi. Just because there isn´t a moderator around here doesn´t mean you can destroy and ruin threads by writing nonsense like this to your own liking. Now, if you want to get a hold of Mark, or MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK, as you so elegantly put it, I would suggest you don´t do it on this board. This board is dedicated to awesome In Flamez discussion, man!!!
Hey look at this, seems I've been unbanned, so I'm back too!

Well I have certainly learned my lesson. These past few months have been terrible. I have had nothing to do, at all, bored stiff. I will be nicer to everyone from now on.
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seventi said:
First off all: You don't know me, so don't even pretend you do.


Whenever you fulfill that meaning of yours, let me know. I'll buy you a crown to rule the world

Hi seventi! Sorry for being an asshole earlier. Bestest buddies forever?