The Video for "The Northern Cold" is now online!


Edit: OK, upon watching the entire thing, I can definitely say that it slays, and is absolutely amazing. Totally get the vibes of northern Ontario both through the music and the video. Absolutely fantastic.
Groovy video, mang.

Needs more witch hats and corpse paint though, and if the budget permits... fire breathing.

Oh... and mountain shots.
What kind of beer is in the snow?

A-ha! Good eye! You noticed the 'hidden beers'! :lol: We had a case of:


The expression during the "gruuuuh!" at the beginning is now in contention for overtaking the "tearing" motion during the Northern Lights fest footage.....

It smashes it! It's totally up there in the hall of fame for video clip facial expressions.

My personal favourite is that one of Frost in the clip for Mother North, with his mouth-like-a-dog's-arse corpsepaint and facial expression. At the time he was probably thinking "mustn't laugh, mustn't laugh..." I sure as hell can't hold that look for more than a second without cracking up.

What a nice surprise this Northern Cold clip was. :)