The Vinyl/Collector's Thread

Damn, someone really likes Decibel.

OH SNAP! That was so funny! How long did it take you to come up with that one? Lol, lame.

I never said I was a genius. Why you hate me bruh?

^ I think enjoying magazines is comparable to enjoying vinyl over digital copies. There's a collecting aspect, and it's usually a more tangible, enjoyable experience.

Got my first limited edition record, 1 of 500. I swear I do listen to metal, but a few other things take precedence. My first colored vinyl was the Breaking Bad soundtrack. Internet picture, looks about the same.


I could see that making sense with comic books vs. reading them digitally but magazines are just essentially promotional tools.

Also that vinyl looks beautiful and I want it.
It's actually a pretty solid zine with great interviews and articles, far from being just a promotional tool. I dont agree with a lot of the album reviews, but that doesn't bother me. If i cared about such things, then i wouldnt even be here, lol. I just dont see how any metal fan can hate a magazine that in this day and age still dedicates its all to metal. They also cover a pretty wide range of metal(just check out some of the other names on the covers). Have you ever read it? Or are you just assuming it sucks because some of the bands on the covers suck or that those covers are "too colorful" for your uber underground taste?

I never said I was a genius. Why you hate me bruh?

But i dont.

edit coming, lol

I was looking for a Heavy D Nuttin But Love meme but couldnt find one, lol.
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I've never checked out that magazine you posted but for the last couple of years I've enjoyed reading Chips'n'Beer infact it's picked up nicely where Metal Maniacs left off, infact there's even more underground love shown in Chips'n'Beer a fucking great zine.
I stopped years ago so it's been a while, but I had every issue of Metal Maniacs, Decibel, Metal Hammer and a few Australian ones from roughly around 2007 until two years ago. Also was subscribed to White Dwarf and Fangoria (until the latter jacked the prices to fascist levels) and also some anime stuff.

Used to be hugely into zines man, until the internet became a major medium in my life. One of the biggest problems I started to notice was that I'd get the rag and find out that I was a few steps ahead of the content and slowly nothing appealed to me anymore. Plus I grew musically pickier to the point that I didn't care about a lot of the bands in the rag.

Iron Fist regained my interest in rags a few years ago and bought like the first 11 or 12 issues. Then I just gave up, $10+ just isn't worth it anymore when I can buy a CD for that same price.

Edit: also I felt like Iron Fist was pandering to the "true" crowd too much and even though that's basically me, it felt somewhat patronising and bandwagon-esque.
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I was just reading through the "ramblings" article fomr the December issue of Decibel and came across this gem ...

"This year women spoke up more about their experiences in the metal scene and were met with a bunch of dickheads who wanted to club them and take them back to their caves. Watching these guys try to entice women to fuck is like watching the slow kid try to put the square peg in the round hole and shit his pants in frustration"

Why? Metal blade always has to discount those figurine editions to get rid of them. Seriously. The figure kinda looks cheap too which stinks.
So Saxon is releasing a box set of newer era albums and it looks amazing.


Saxon - Eagles and Dragons 9 LP set.

Solid Ball of Rock
Forever Free
Dogs of War
Unleash the Beast
Killing Ground
The Inner Sanctum
Into the Labyrinth

If this was the old albums it would be an auto purchase. I still want it, but I will have to think about it. A bargain @ $121 on Amazon.
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I would really like to know what these Kill'em All and Ride The Lightning sets comprise of. If all goes well in the next week or so I'll be preordering these.200€ each though! But music from that era of the band!
So I got my Grave Digger vinyls today. 5 gatefold albums, 10 180g color vinyls... and it cost me $52 total. Beautiful package, I wish they were housed in a box but for the price damn. Will try and post pictures later.